Let's make more

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I have always loved the concept of dreams. It is one of the two reasons I love sleeping so much. Dreams are like movies with unrealistic and realistic fused together. In dreams you get to be anything, anyone.

So, as my familiar yet annoying urge to drink water or any sweet liquid dragged me out of the lovely movie playing in my sleep, I hugged the pillow to my chest to try to ignore it. I did not want the dream to end.

But as expected, I gave in to my extreme thirst which has been the reason I always get up very early in the morning.

I reluctantly opened my eyes and hugged the pillow tighter while I attempted persuading my legs to get off the bed.

When I finally managed to sit up, I looked to my right where a bottle of water I had taken with me to bed lay.

The emptiness of the object made me question my immense need for water and it also caused me to get up, one of my legs kicking the bottle in the process.

Once I stepped out, Mr. Powers's strong scent hit my nose and I felt my lips curve into a smile. It's good to finally have him back in the house, even though he was probably feeling terrible at the moment.

I mean, his girlfriend cheated on him big time.

If I were him, I would probably be digging into a huge bowl of ice cream by now.

When my steps found a position on the top of the staircase, I bumped into the man I was just thinking about.

And... he was also the man that featured in my dream.

When I started to recall the details of the dream, my body grew hot. Because as it was in the dream, he was also standing in front of me, shirtless.

"Miss Sands. Unable to sleep again?" His dark circles were close to gone and he did not sound like someone who was experiencing heartbreak or even a tiny bit of sadness.

Instead, his eyes wore the look that hooked me to stare more and more at his magnificent build. The look also rendered me speechless.

In the midst of that silence, my gaze travelled until it settled on his exposed chest. I might have seen his naked chest before, but having it so close hit differently.

That proximity urged me to reach out and touch it. The firmness of the chest compelled me...

"Miss Sands." Mr. Powers held my chin with a finger and tilted my head until our eyes met. "That is not my face. This is."

Did I mention that this man is standing so freaking close to me? Because he is!

And thanks to that closeness, I recalled more of the dream I was having. My eyes darted to his lips that were furiously feasting on mine in the dream world and I felt a different kind of thirst.

Why I was having such a dream, I don't know. But as I said earlier, I was enjoying what was playing in my mind. And the more I recalled the details, the more I wondered what it would feel like if something similar happened in reality.


I shivered as the thought delighted yet frightened me.

"Sir..." I sounded like I was under tension. And I was.

My eyes returned to his and his finger left my chin. Then his thumb proceeded to linger over my lips.

With his eyes still locked intensely with mine, Mr. Powers made his finger glide over the side of my mouth as slowly as possible.

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