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Life sucks.

As I parked my car, my lips scrunched into an unpleasant pout and my back slumped into the comfort of my seat.

While holding back a sigh that was threatening to drop, I tilted my head to the left and that was when I noticed that my breakfast was still untouched and shielded from straying eyes.

I lazily reached for it and the smell of fried eggs and fresh bread hit my nose.

As I observed my meal from the plastic packaging it was caged in, the fact that my life has already hit the deepest of bottoms crept into my mind and I finally released the sigh.

Since I left the office, all I did was sigh. I sighed so much that I think my shoulders are tired from taking all the grunt of my emotions.

Soon, I shrugged and told myself that I had to take care of my growing hunger before brooding over the failure of my life.

So, I kicked off my shoes, adjusted the seat till my feet could barely touch the controls, and dragged out a sandwiched pair of my breakfast.

As I munched on the very delicious meal, I started to think about my life. I desisted from such thinking while driving because I didn't trust myself.

I have proven numerous times to be unstable emotionally. So, I might have gotten into an accident if I had not taken caution while driving.

Crossing my legs, I took another bite of my meal.

'This shit is good.' I thought and after that, I thought, 'My life is shit!'

Samantha was right.

My recent way of dealing with the ache I have been carrying about is causing me unnecessary pain. In some sense, I was using something harmful to treat the fault in my life.

What could be more dangerous than that?

And, the fact that I keep ignoring the danger I was putting myself in makes things worse.

Just last week, I almost got demoted from my position after I showed up to work at a super early hour. I was half drunk and sort of horny.

According to the staff who stayed overnight that day, I was dry-humping one of the shelves in the library while mumbling words he could not understand.

Aside from the insane humiliation I keep plunging myself into, it is clear that I totally deserved to get fired.

But what do I do with my life now?

With some bread still in my mouth, I groaned like a hungry baby whale. Distress overpowered me and the sides of my eyes wrinkled as I bit into what was left of the meal in my hand.

The anguish in my soul amplified and my eyes started to itch. They started to ache, almost as though telling me that more tears were on their way.

But at this point, I am beyond tired of crying. I have shed so many tears in the past weeks that I can't just do it anymore.

A knock on the window of the front passenger seat dragged me out of my little drama. I looked up and wiped the oiliness staining my hand on my trousers.

It was Da... yeah, David.

With excitement, the man I almost slept with waved at me so much that the front of his styled hair fell to the side.

I reached for the control and lowered the window.

He popped his head into the car, but his wide smile disappeared when he saw that some tears had managed to fight their way out of the surface of my eyeballs.

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