Take it upstairs

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Since rushing up the stairs with an injured child was not advisable, I left Ruby on the couch and found my way to the upper floor to find out what could have warranted my name being shouted the way it was.

"Miss Sands! Fucking come up here this minute!"

Uh...okay? Now I am more than curious.

And that made me hurry my steps. I skipped some of the stairs to that effect.

"Miss Sands..." The man in front of me was very, very angry and... covered in flour and egg yolk!

It took every inch of self-control in me to not burst into laughter at the sight of my employer.

From the top of his head to his face, he was covered in the whiteness of flour and some drippings of yellow decorated him here and there. The gooey part of the egg trickled down his chest which he had somehow managed to make bare in barely a minute after walking out on me and his daughter.

The strange thing was that he looked sexier.

How on earth does one still manage to have such sexiness even after being furiously attacked by flour and egg?

My arms folded and my amusement grew despite my attempt to look indifferent. As I stared back at his eyes, which was the only thing that stood out, a fact dawned on me.

Ruby! That little de... angel!

"You know about this, don't you?" I shook my head negatively while I tried to escape his glare. "Don't you lie to me. I saw that look on your face. The look of realisation."

I shrugged. "I might have heard Ruby talk about pranks or something..."

I had to be as imprecise as possible. I don't want him channeling his anger at the girl again.

"So, you decided to help her, uh?"

His deep voice was still very much angry, but his face- it was so difficult to tell what was going on with it.

"I have no hand in this."

"You expect me to believe you after you just lied about the fire?"

I was about to burst out some anger-laden response, but I decided to keep myself in check as usual.

So, before calmly replying to him, I took a deep breath and let it out as slowly as possible. "For the last time, I did not start the fire. Or any fire for that matter."

Mr. Powers grunted and made for the door to his room, his movement giving off bits of white dust into the air. He was like a flour fairy. Or flour dust fairy. Something around that idea.

When the man grabbed his door's handle, he sharply faced me.

"When I am done getting this mess off me, we will all talk. So don't go anywhere."

"What? I have to go home."

He sighed loudly as though saying he was tired of my presence. "There is an extra room you can spend the night in."

"But I don't have clothes to change into."

Furrows appeared on his forehead. They looked like mini sausage rolls covered in flour in preparation for some cooking.

"Just... Just figure shit out, I need to get this crap off me."

"Okay. Good luck!"

Oh, I shouldn't have said that. I sounded too merry.

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