There's no way anyone can reject Aditya Raj Malhotra.

But his shrewd business mind knew he needed to put up the facade of a gentleman, at least for now. 

 His thoughts were interrupted by the persistent ringing of his phone. Frowning, he brought it to his ear, his voice filled with a mix of irritation, 

"Yes, what is it?"

It was his PA on the other end, his voice laced with concern, "Sir, sorry to disturb, but did you not go on the date tonight?"

Adi's grip on the phone tightened, his voice filled with a volatile mix of curiosity and apprehension, "Yes, I did. Why?"

The PA's hesitant voice held a hint of revelation,

 "Sir, I just received a call from one of our contacts. They mentioned seeing Mam at Rishabh Gupta's party. She must have gone there after your date. I just wanted to inform you. But of course, you must have known ."

The resting muscles of his face became tense. The smirk that was still there, vanished.

A flicker of rage ignited within Adi, his control teetering on the edge. How dare she betray him? The image of Paro mingling with others, her presence in Rishabh's company, fueled the flames of his jealousy. But how could he accept that to his employee? 

" Yes, I know." 

Replying in a cold voice, he abruptly cut the call. His anger burned like a searing fire within him. She did it again! Lying on his face and acting like the most innocent soul ever. He won't let it go this time. Not this easily.

Determined to face her, Adi stormed out of the building, his steps heavy with purpose. The rain cascaded down from the darkened sky, a reflection of the turmoil within his soul. Ignoring the weather, he hastily climbed into his car, the engine roaring to life as he sped through the streets, his heart pounding with anticipation and fury.


Paro, unaware of the storm brewing, left Rishabh's home, her mind consumed with the words of Rishabh. 

' Paro I really like you. Will you be my girlfriend? You don't need to answer immediately. Please take your time.' 

Was the words he uttered. Paro was dumbfounded. She didn't know what to say. But she was very sure about what she wanted. 

"No." The straightforward answer left her mouth within seconds. The hurt that flashed on Rishabh's face made her feel guilty. She didn't want to hurt his feelings. Definitely not on his birthday. But he deserved to know that she didn't feel the same for him.

Why did nobody understand she wasn't capable of loving? All she wanted was to be left alone. 

Paro found herself stranded on the deserted street, drenched by the relentless rain, her eyes scanning for a cab that seemed elusive in the downpour.

Probably she should have listened to Ishita, she offered her a ride. 

But she just had to leave telling she could manage. Did Ishita know how Rishabh felt about her? Would she still be friends with her after knowing she had rejected her brother? With all the thoughts in her mind, she left their house in haste. 

A flash of lightning illuminated the darkness, casting an ethereal glow on Paro's trembling form as her heart raced with unease. 

Suddenly a car screeched to a halt in front of Paro. The rain poured relentlessly, a torrential downpour that mirrored the tempest about to brew. A person emerged from the vehicle, his presence commanding, his eyes ablaze with a maddening mix of anger and possessiveness.

Paro's eyes took a few seconds to adjust to the light. As soon as the realization hit her she trembled. Her eyes wide with terror, her heart pounding with the knowledge of his impending wrath. The intensity of his gaze felt like a physical assault as if his eyes could pierce through her very soul.

A little extra paleness, a little tension of the nostrils when he spoke and a cold normal voice which sent shivers ran down her spine as he spoke. 

" Where did you go?" 

She wanted to come up with a snarky reply but didn't dare to. 


he bellowed all of a sudden making her clench her palm for enduring his upcoming wrath.

His voice, laced with a venomous edge, cut through the thunderous rainfall,

 "How dare you betray me, Paro?" His voice icy cold. The change in tone of his voice made her terrified. 

How did he even get to know? How could she even think that she would get away with lying? Such a stupid girl she was! She wanted to cry out loud realizing her foolishness.

Fear gripped Paro, her voice quivering as she attempted to reason, 

I...I didn't betray you. It was just a party."

A malicious smirk twisted Adi's features, his voice laced with bitter mockery, 

" So what I heard was right. Just a party you say? Why did you lie to me then? You had the fucking audacity to double cross me and act naive? I know the cunning girl simmers beneath your innocent facade."

His hands were holding her shoulders in an iron grip.

Tears mixed with rain on Paro's face, her voice filled with desperation. She felt herself overwhelmed once again.

"Aditya, please, don't do this. This possessiveness is suffocating me, I can't take it anymore ."

His laughter, devoid of warmth, echoed through the storm, drowning out her plea, 

"Suffocating? No, baby. This is love, true love. I will not allow any bastard to come between us, to steal what is rightfully mine."

Paro's body trembled uncontrollably as she took a tentative step backward, her voice trembling, 

"Love should be about trust and respect."

A twisted fury seized Adi's heart, his voice rising to the top, 

"Trust and respect? You bitch dare to lecture me on love? Fine. Let's go then!"

Driven by a mix of resentment and possessiveness, Adi clutched Paro's arm forcefully, pulling her towards the car. She stumbled along, her body bruised not only from his grip but also from the emotional wounds inflicted by their shattered trust. 

Paro's terror deepened, the rain mingling with her tears as she pleaded, "Where are you taking me? Adi, please, let me go.

Without paying any attention to her plea, Adi almost threw her inside and locked the door. As the car accelerated, her voice became lost in the rush of wind and the relentless drumming of the raindrops against the windows.

Paro's fear deepened, her mind racing to find a way out of this suffocating situation. Her fingers clenched the edges of her sodden dress, her gaze darting around the car, searching for any opportunity to escape her captor. 

She felt a flicker of hope that they might go to her home, but it was destroyed the moment she saw him taking a different road. 

" Whe.. where are we going? Where are you taking me?"


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