*Before concert*

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outfit before concert

The camera turned onto Serena standing in front of the door "Hey guys!" she smiled,  waving into the camera "Today, we're doing a concert as INTER:LINKED and i'll be filming what it's like before" she told the camera "So lets go in" she whispered

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The camera turned onto Serena standing in front of the door "Hey guys!" she smiled, waving into the camera "Today, we're doing a concert as INTER:LINKED and i'll be filming what it's like before" she told the camera "So lets go in" she whispered. She turned around and opened the door, revealing Heeseung brushing Areum's hair while she played 'uno' with Sunoo, Ni-Ki and Dawn. Izumi scrolling on her phone while Jake slept on her shoulder. Sunghoon getting his hair done by the stylist, laughing at Areum's yelling. And Jay, Thea and Jungwon talking while eating.

"Ari!" Ni-Ki yelled "Stop cheating!"

"I'm not!" She defended "I promise!"

"I can vouch she hasn't been cheating" Heeseung said, sitting behind Areum

Areum turned her head to face him and smiled "Thanks, big brother Hee" she beamed, patting his head "Stop lying, Riki" she chuckled, glaring at Ni-Ki

"I'm not lying" He grinned, nudging Dawn "Am i?"

It took Dawn a moment to realize what Ni-Ki had said, quickly she nodded and said "Oh yeah"

"I can't deal with you children anymore" she groaned with a smile, standing up. As she stood up her eyes glanced over to Serena "Rena, are you filming?"

"yeah" She smiled, sitting on the sofa beside Thea "Let me film them now" she said, nudging Thea. Areum chuckled and went over to Sunghoon, sitting on the chair beside him and fiddling with his hand.


Serena went over to Areum and gave her the camera "I'm sick of filming" she sighed "I just watched those three argue about cheeses for the last ten minutes "In the end they came to the conclusion Parmesan was the best"

"Seriously?" Areum asked "They're so wrong, li-"

"Areum!" She interrupted "I really do not have the capacity to act like i care" Serena sighed "but i still love you" she smiled, kissing her head before walking away

"Love ya too, Rena" She smiled, watching her walk away. She turned back to Sunghoon, finding the camera shoved into her face "Hoonie?" she laughed "You okay?"

"Yeah" He nodded, smiling brightly "This is an amazing angle by the way"

"Oh i can tell" she chuckled "Now put it down, Hoon" she laughed, taking the camera and putting it on the table so it can see both of them. She looked into the camera before turning to Sunghoon "You look so nice" she smiled, tucking a piece of hair behind his ear before turning back to the camera and seeing Sunghoon blushing. They talked for a little bit before Areum stood up and went over to the food table, taking three bottles of water and two bags of chips. Before going back to Sunghoon she crouched infront of Jake who had just woken up and opened the bottle for him, handing it to him "Here, you've been asleep for ages" she said, watching him take the bottle and smile

"Thanks, Ari" he smiled, drinking the water. Areum smiled and patted his head. She sat back down beside Sunghoon and gave him one of the bag of chips and a bottle of water. He smiled to himself before drinking a bit "Thanks, Reumy" he said,  opening the bag of chips "you're like Santa but for everyday things"

She laughed and looked at him with wide eyes "what?"

He chuckled and looked at her "you just give me things I want or need" he shrugged "like the other day when we were out, you brought an extra pair of gloves because you knew I wouldn't bring any and that I would need them" He explained  "you just know"

"I'm just great" she smiled, shrugging slightly "it's a well known fact, I'm surprised you don't know this by now"

"Oh I know" he laughed "mostly because you keep telling me"

Areum laughed and sighed "it's confidence, Hoon" she smiled "you should try it"

"I Try it" He exclaimed "I do it!"

"Doesn't seem like it" she sighed "see if you did do it you'd be more like me" she said, standing up and posing "confidence!" She sang, throwing her arms In the air

"I'm not doing that" he laughed as she sat back down

"Cause you have no confidence" she breathed "but don't worry I have enough for the both of us" she smiled, leaning on his shoulder

He smiled and chuckled "what would I do without you?" He said dramatically

"Nothing" she shrugged, smiling brightly


It had been around 20 minutes since Areum and sunghoon stopped filming. In that time they had moved to the sofa and had both fallen asleep. Sunghoon was laying his head on Areum's lap and she had her fingers in his hair. Before they had fallen asleep she had been playing with his hair (like she always did) Jake, Thea and Heeseung were filming themselves trying to get balled up bits of paper into the trash can, accidentally filming the two in the back. It took them a few minutes before they realised

"Aw look!" Thea exclaimed, pointing behind them at Sunghoon and Areum "they're doing it again!"

"Doing what?" Sunoo asked from his spot beside Serena

"Sunghoon's sleeping on Areum" Heeseung chuckled

"Guys if you're confused" Izumi said into the camera "they always do this, like at the dorms and stuff"

"What adorable little peas" Dawn sighed, the rest looked at her with confused expressions "what?" She asked

"Adorable little peas?" Jungwon laughed

"Little peas?" Jay asked, narrowing his eyes

"Let me live" Dawn sighed, laying back down on the Floor while they others laughed


They were all ready in their outfits now and we're standing back stage, getting ready to go on "guys we're gonna go on soon" Izumi said to the camera, holding it close to her face "wish us luck"

"They can't wish us luck through a screen" Ni-ki laughed

Izumi dropped the camera to her side and turned to him "do you wanna fight me? Because I am not above fighting a 17 year old" she joked, making the others laugh

"Hey!" Thea exclaimed, hugging Ni-Ki "don't threaten him!"

"I'll  threaten you too, grandma" izumi exclaimed

"Be careful or I'll shoot you" Areum said, holding her small water gun

"How do you still have that!?" Sunoo laughed "really though?" He smiled, covering his mouth with his hand

"I keep it in my sock, so they can't take it" Areum said, putting the toy back in her pocket "but now it's in my pocket" the others chuckled "it's very special to me"

"Don't you want a bigger one?" Jungwon asked

"No because this one's portable" Areum smiled. They spoke about other things for a while, talking to the camera as well before they had to go on

"Let's do our chant to end" Jake suggested, the others nodded and put their hands in the middle

"4, 3, 2, Go! INTER:LINKED" They all yelled, smiling brightly. After they turned to the camera and waved, all their faces covered with smiles

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