✧*̥˚ I-Land finale *̥˚✧

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"I'm proud of myself and what i've done in here. In here i've grown more as a person and a performer than i have in the last 5 years. I have met the most amazing people in here, people i want to know for the rest of my life" Areum tells the camera as clips of her past performances flick across the screen


Areum stood with the other boys, holding onto Sunghoon's hand as they watched the timer count down, getting ready for their performance. They stepped into the egg, Areum still holding his hand, tighter with every second "You okay?" He questions, looking at her

"Yeah, you?" She smiles

"good" He nods, turning back to face forward. The egg begins to turn and they are met with the stage. Areum confidently walks onto the stage, still holding his hand. All of them stood in front of the producers "The 113 days of a long journey to debut as a global idol in 2020. Tonight the final test to complete the journey will be broadcasted worldwide. At this very moment , 10 I-Landers have made it to the final test stage after the long journey. Among them only 7 who survive the night will finally make it to their debut" The host speaks, standing beside them "The final test begins now" They begin their dance. Areum does her best, trying the hardest she ever has. In the end she felt she did well. Actually she hoped she did. The MC began to speak again, the 7 platforms lighting up beside him. After the producers, Tomorrow X Together and the old I-Landers introduced themselves, it was time for the 10 to come back onto the stage.

".....The third survivor, Kim Areum" The host introduces. Areum walks out through the parted screens, the people around her cheering. She sends them all a perfect smile as she walks past, bowing slightly "I-Lander Areum has impressed all the judges and public with her talent, winning their hearts along with their votes, always placing within the top five even in part 1. "

[Kim Areum / 19 / Korean] was shown on the screen. Areum stood beside the two other boys, looking forward with her head held high. When Sunghoon came out Areum was seen smiling brightly when watching him. Next they announced the first ranking I-Landers from around the world ".....The top ranking I-Lander in Italy is....Kim Areum" Areum smiles slightly, looking up and forward ".....The top ranking I-Lander in Canada is.....Kim Areum" She speaks again, a hint of pride in her voice "And finally the top ranking I-Lander in Spain is.....again Kim Areum" She says, chuckling slightly. All the boys were then seen smiling brightly at Areum

(After concept test)

As soon as she got into her room she fell into the bed, not bothering to get changed or do anything else. She heard the boys talk around her but couldn't be asked to answer, so instead she kept her eyes closed and tried to sleep "AH!" She groans, rolling off her bed and getting up

"You alright, Ari?" K laughs, noticing the girl

"Yeah" She sighs "I'm going to Sunghoon's room" She tells him, walking out of the room and going towards Sunghoon's. She walked in and found he wasn't there, she was going to leave but instead she just got into his bed and closed her eyes. Finally being able to fall asleep. The next scene where Areum was shown was when she was asleep and the boys had found her

"Aw" K exclaims "She looks so cute" he adds, watching the girl. Areum was cuddled under the blanket, her lips parted and her hair pulled back in a bun. Areum's breath was quiet, nearly going unheard

"She's finally sleeping" Sunghoon sighs

"yeah" Jay smiles "Only took 2 months"


"10 I-Landers who survived until now, congratulations. From now on to determine the final 7 debut members, we are going to reveal the last test" The voice says. Areum smiles brightly, she was so close to the end "......6 people will be chosen from global vote and one will be chosen by the producers. Three people will be eliminated...." Areum's gaze drops to the floor. Three people.....she can't be one of them. She can't. "The final test will be watched live by the world"

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