*Meeting ETERNAL*

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Areum woke up, getting out of bed immediately and going to the shower, locking the door behind her. Today Areum was meeting her group. She was extremely nervous. More nervous than she'd ever been before. She really wanted them to like her. Areum didn't want to be a distant leader. She wanted to be someone they could talk to, laugh with. So this first impression meant everything. She quickly showered, dried her hair and got ready, hoping she looked nice. She put her dark hair into two low buns and wore baggy jeans and a hoodie

Areum checked the time and realized she was late. She was told to be there by 11 and it was now 10:57. She ran out of the bathroom, rushing past the group of boys "Bye!" she yells, closing the door behind her "Wait!" she laughs, running back into the room and kissing Sunghoon's head "Now bye!" 


Areum got to the practice room at 11, right on time. She stopped when she got to the door to take a breath. Okay how do i make them like me but respect me? i could......could........yeah no.....i have no idea

She sighed and opened the door, seeing four girls sitting around the room. One had blonde and black hair, she was very pretty. Then there was a girl with dark red hair, then one with light brown hair and a fringe and finally one with ashy hair "Hello" she smiles, bowing to the girls "I'm Areum" she greets

"Thea" the kind of scary looking girl says, smiling at Areum

"I'm Serena" The one with dark red hair tells her

"Izumi" The one with a fringe says, tilting her head and grinning at Areum

"Hey, i'm Dawn" The final one greets. They all looked so nice. Areum sat down, the 5 girls forming a circle 

"So how old are you guys?" Thea asks, breaking the silence "I'm 20"

"Wow" Izumi chuckles "You're old!"

"Excuse me?!" Thea exclaims, turning to her "I'm 20 !"


"Well then how old are you?" She scoffs, crossing her arms

"18" Izumi shrugs "Still young and ripe"

"I know for a fact you did not just call yourself ripe!" Areum cackles, staring at Izumi in disbelief

"I did and i'll do it again" She nods "So what about you, Leader Moony?" Moony? That was a nickname Areum had never heard before

"18 as well" Areum smiles 

"Ah! 2002 club!" Izumi exclaims, holding her fist out for Areum to fist bump

"mhm" Areum laughs, hitting Izumi's fist with hers

"Well i'm 19" Serena tells the group "2001 club?" She questions, looking at Dawn

"Nope i'm 15" Dawn reveals "2005 club" she chuckles, fist bumping herself

"How in the hell!" Izumi exclaims, her eyes wide

"No way you're 15!" Thea laughs

"Awww!" Areum coos

"I believe that, she's so cute!" Serena chuckles, hugging the young girl. They talk a little more until they get to the topic of their biggest fears

"Nah do you understand how scary Geese are?!" Areum yells as the rest of the group disagree "Their teeth!"

"No clowns!" Izumi exclaims, shaking her head

"Well that's sad" Thea sighs

"Why?" Izumi asks, clueless to what was coming

"Because then you're scared of yourself" She says, pouting

"Now that was a good one!" Areum cackles, leaning her head on Dawn's shoulder "HAH clown" she laughs, pocking Izumi's cheek

"Get off me, OWL!" Izumi teases, trying to bite Areum's finger

"AH!" Areum yells "I can't believe you would talk to your leader like that!" 

"Nah she pulled the leader card!" Thea gasps

"That was shocking" Serena chuckles

"Gob smacking" Dawn adds, making the group break out into laughter


They spoke the rest of the day, laughing so much their stomachs hurt "So Izumi and I will share a room, Serena and Dawn will and then Thea will be alone" Areum says, finalizing what the girls had been talking about for the past 5 minutes

"Mhm" Serena nods, linking her arm though Dawn's

"Oh" Thea sighs "I'm all alone"

"You wanted to be alone" Izumi chuckles

"Oh yeah" she smiles "Nevermind!" They talk a little longer until they need to go back to their dorms. They say goodbye and go back to their rooms. The 5 girls had made plans to meet tomorrow, so they could meet Enhypen

"See ya tomorrow" Areum waves, opening to door

"Can't wait to meet your booooyyyyfrriiieeennndddd!" Izumi teases, walking past Areum

"Are you 5?" Areum deadpans, hiding a smile

"yes" Izumi says, simply, turning around and walking away. Areum laughed and walked into the dorm "GUYS!" she yells, all of them come running "I LOVE THEM!" she jumps onto the sofa

"Who?" Jay asks, rubbing his eyes

"My group" she scoffs

"Oh that was today?"

"Yes, Jay....it was today" Areum sighs, closing her eyes. Areum really did love the girls, she had laughed so much today it physically hurt.

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