✧*̥˚ The final ten *̥˚✧

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Areum stayed by Ni-ki and K's side the whole time, trying to make them both feel better

"I just wanted to take all their sadness away and give it to myself. I hate seeing my friends in pain, i just love them both so much and it hurts seeing them like that" Areum tells the camera, her eyes filled with tears that don't dare fall

She rubbed K's back, standing beside his chair where he's sat "Come on guys Ta-ki wouldn't like this" She tells the two boys "He'd probably be popping right now" The boys let out a small laugh which makes Areum feel a bit better

"Yeah" K sniffs "Thanks Ari"

"No problem" she whispers, leaning her head on Ni-ki's shoulder and looking at the floor. Areum looks to the walls, their banners falling down. She spots hers in second place, relief washing over her

I'm still here.....i'm so close to the end

She looks at Sunghoon and sends him a slight smile, a smile that doesn't reach her eyes. They walk over to the name plates, Areum reluctantly leaving the two boys side. She picks up the debut badge and clips it onto her shirt

"I mean it's just a badge, i could easily make this out of card but it means so much, like my whole future depends on if i have this piece of card clipped to my shirt" She tells the camera, slouching lousily in the chair


Since Sunoo was first he could choose another member to join the chamber 5 unit. Areum immediately turned to Sunghoon with a bright smile "You" she mouth, knowing he'll probably go mad if he had to do it

"I'd like to pick I-Lander Sunghoon" Sunoo announces, standing in front of the screen. Sunghoon leans back in his chair as Areum starts cackling, hitting the side of her chair "NO! HAHA" she exclaims, rocking back and forward. Areum gets up and walks to Sunghoon, hugging him "Ahh Leader Hoonie" she chuckles

"Ah what am i going to do?" He groans

"I'll help you" She tells him "You'll do great" Her lips move into a wide smile as she hugs the boy


Areum was seen with the other boys walking into the 1,2,3,4 room, passing the room Daniel was in alone. She sat down on the bed beside Heeseung who had taken his letter out "Ah should i read mine?"

"Yeah!" Sunoo exclaims "Please!"

"No it's embarrassing!" Jay says

"You've had plenty of embarrassing moments what's one more going to do?" She chuckles, taking out her letter and reading it out "To Ari, Even though i've only known you for 2 months i feel as though i wouldn't be the same without you. Your faith in me makes me feel as if i can do anything. Wherever you are seems lighter, warmer and it's because of you, you're so caring and bright. I don't think i have ever met someone as talented and hard working as you, if i had to choose one person i know will debut it's you. If i do leave promise me you will take care of Sunghoon for me, he loves you so much and i know you love him too so promise me that. I love you Ari and i'll really really miss you.....also sorry if this is hard to read, my hand hurts" She reads "Aw jay that's so nice!" she exclaims, hugging the boy "and yes i'll take care of Hoonie" A chuckles comes from the boy at her comment.


Areum was laying on the living room floor again, looking down at the practice room through the glass. Areum always did this (sometimes even at night) it just made her calmer, like she was flying. Areum could hear the boys talking but she didn't listen she was just focused on the practice room floor and how she felt like a cloud "Ari! we're eating now" Jake exclaims "Ari!" he repeats, finding the girl didn't answer "Is she okay?"

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