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All 5 of the girls were sitting on a sofa that faced a camera

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All 5 of the girls were sitting on a sofa that faced a camera. There was a table in front of them that had a bowl filled with paper in it. Each girl had a blanket over their legs except for Dawn, even though Dawn was wearing a short skirt just like the rest of the girls. So instead of having a blanket she placed her hands on her knees.

"3, 2, 1" Areum counted down

"Forever, we are ETERNAL!" They all joined in, along with the matching gestures

"And today we are with Teen Vogue to play i dare you!" Areum said, pointing to the camera "Okay so who should we start with?" She smiled, looking around. Areum saw how awkwardly Dawn was sitting and realized her didn't have a blanket. So she took hers off her lap and handed it to Dawn, placing it carefully over her legs

"Thanks, Moony" Dawn smiled

"No problem, Dawnie" She whispered "Excuse me but could we please have another blanket?" she asked the staff behind the camera. They nodded and handed her another light blue blanket that she placed over her thighs "Thank you" she smiled

"I wanna go first!" Thea exclaimed, standing up and reaching for the dare bowl "And i'll be choosing dare"

"Wow so brave" Serena commented, covering her mouth in a fake gasp

"I know" Izumi nodded "Who is this new Thea i see before my eyes"

"New year, new me" Thea breathed, flicking her hair as she sat down

"Tee, sweetie, it's the middle of April" Areum chuckled, touching her shoulder "Not a new year"

"Let me live in my world of delusion please" She sighed "Anyway, my dare is to..." she started, opening the piece of paper "I need to walk around the room with items you guys stack on me"

"So like in princess charm school" Areum chuckled

"Oh my god yes!" Serena yelled, jumping in her seat. The girls stood up and began balancing stuff of Thea's head and shoulders.

"She looks like a Christmas tree!" Dawn laughed, placing another book on her head

"What?!" Izumi laughed "where did you get Christmas tree from?"

"I don't know" she shrugged, a smile on her lips "okay time to walk"

"Oh yes catwalk!" Areum laughed. Thea started strutting while trying to keep the objects on her.

"I'm living my Blair Willows fantasy right now" Thea chuckled as she finished walking, all the objects still on her

"Yes princess Tee!" Dawn exclaimed, clapping for the oldest member. Thea sat down and laughed while Izumi reached forward to the truth bowl

"Okay" she sighed, reading the paper "my best memory"

"Better be when you met us" Serena whispered, making the group laugh

"Im going to say..." Izumi started, tapping her lips "wait is it my whole life or idol life?"

"Idol" the staff answered

"Oh okay, that's easier" she chuckled "I'm going to say our concert in America"

"Oh yeah that was crazy" Areum nodded

"There were so many endless in the audience and since they all had our light stick, when you looked out at them it was like an ocean" she explained "I'm not lying all I could see was blue. It was so cool"

"Yeah I really was" Dawn nodded "and knowing they were all there for us"

"Mhm" Izumi smiled "but yeah that's my best memory"

"Aw cute" Areum chuckled, nudging Izumi "Okay my turn!" She got up and went to the truth bowl "I'm not feeling that daring today"

"Boo!" Izumi yelled "Boring!"

"You suck!" Thea added, cupping her mouth

"Go home!" Dawn joined in, a grin on her face

"Remember i'm the leader" She chuckled "So watch out"

"Sorry our dear leader" Serena chuckled, bowing to Areum "We have made a grave mistake"

"You're forgiven this time" She sighed, opening the paper "Okay mine is your most embarrassing memory?" she chuckled

"You're very embarrassing so...." Izumi chuckled along with the others

Areum glared at Areum before turning to face the camera again "I would say when i was in grade 10 and i was at a track competition. I remember i was about to start running when i heard like these screams coming from the stands where all the parents were standing so i turned and saw all of BTS holding signs up and just like screeching 'GO RE RE!' Everyone turned to me and started laughing because no one knew one of my nicknames was Re Re and then for the rest of the year everyone called me 'Re Re' but despite the embarrassment i was still thankful BTS came to cheer me on and in the end i still won my race"

"That's so cute" Serena chuckled "I can just imagine little Moony getting all embarrassed. But it's my turn!" she reached into the dare bowl "Unlike Areum i'm not boring"

"You know Rena my love has been feeling unrequited lately" Areum sighed

"I'm sorry Ari i still love you" Serena chuckled, she opened her paper "i need to do one of Areum's raps" she sighed, putting her head in her hands

"Oh yes!" Areum exclaimed "Pay back!"

"can we choose?" Dawn asked

"oh we can!" Izumi laughed "Um her rap in 'Touch the bottom' "She said. Areum's rap in touch the bottom was known for being insanely hard. It had become a challenge idols would do in variety shows or interviews, most of them failing.

"Seriously?" She gaped "Not even Changbin could do it" The other day in a interview Changbin from stray kids was asked to attempt it but he couldn't. Seungmin called Areum after to tell her.

"Yep seriously" Areum nodded "Do it now"

Serena attempted the rap but stopped after the first few seconds "Yeah no. I'm not even going to try" the others laughed at Serena and Dawn went forward to pick a piece of paper up from the dare bowl

"Call someone and act like you're crying" Dawn smiled "I know exactly who i'm going to call" She picked up her phone and clicked on a contact

"Hey Dawn" Ni-Ki's voice sounded through the studio

"hi" she sighed, fake crying

"What's wrong? are you okay?" He asked, concern obvious in his voice

"I'm just....." she sobbed, wiping her eyes

"It's okay" he comforted "Are you at your dorm? i'll be there in a minute"

"Ni-Ki i'm sorry but this was a dare" she chuckled, showing him the camera

"Thank god" He chuckled "I was seriously about to run to your dorm"

"Okay well thanks for caring but i gotta go" She laughed "Bye see you later"


"Aw he's so sweet" Thea sighed, leaning on the back of the sofa

"I actually love him so much" Areum sighed "Love ya little bro" she smiled, making a heart with her hands and showing it to the camera

"Okay so sadly this is the end of the video" Serena sighed "So bye everybody and we'll see you soon!"

"Love you guys!" Dawn smiled, blowing a kiss to the camera

"Bye endless, love you!" Areum smiled, waving and blowing a kiss to the camera

"Bye!" Izumi and Thea sayed at the same time. The video ended with all the girls waving and smiling to the camera.

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