*P1HARMONY live*

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Areum was at p1harmony's dorm to do a live with keeho and Theo

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Areum was at p1harmony's dorm to do a live with keeho and Theo. She got there quite late since she had practice with her group before and she had to take Sunghoon somewhere. But eventually the three of them where in the studio, waiting for the live to load "so are you gonna introduce me?" She asks

"Of course" Keeho exclaims "you're our special guest"

"Well I am Special" Areum grins, leaning back in her chair "ARENT i Theo?"

"Oh yeah definitely" Theo sighs, nodding slightly

"Wait I wannna make a grande entrance" Areum exclaims, getting up and walking out of the room. A couple seconds after the live loads and people start joining

"Hello everyone" keeho waves "today we're joined by a special..." he starts "and very dramatic guest.... AREUM!"

"Hello hello" Areum smiles, pushing open the door dramatically and strutting to her seat. Unfortunately, instead of sitting on the chair gracefully she missed the chair and fell right to the floor, making the two boys cackle

"How did you do that?!" Theo laughs, leaning back in his chair

"Let's move on!" Areum exclaims, sitting on the chair and crossing her legs. However both of the boys were still laughing so she hit their arms and stared right into the camera.


After a couple minutes of the boys laughing they finally stopped laughing and started the live. First they read some of the comments "Areum I love your outfit" Keeho reads out

"Oh my god me too!" Areum smiles, standing up and posing "I got it from the shop"

"Well duh" Theo laughs "which shop?"

"I dunno" Areum sighs, sitting back down "but it was a good one" They look at more comments until they get to the topic of hair colours

"What hair colour should I get?" Areum asks "I really wanna dye it but I just don't know which colour"

"I wouldn't trust the chats answer to that question" Keeho sighs "they told me I should dye mine pink" he scoffs while staring into the camera

"Oh yeah they wrong for that" Areum laughs "sorry guys but you just lost all your power"

"You should dye it blue" Theo tells Areum after a few seconds

"Like neon blue" she says, her face twisting in disgust

"No like this" he says, searching it up on his computer. He shows her this photo:

"Oh that's cute" Keeho sigh "it would suit you and it goes with the whole ice concept"

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"Oh that's cute" Keeho sigh "it would suit you and it goes with the whole ice concept"

"Ah yeah" Areum smiles, leaning her chin on Theo's shoulder so she can see "I thought you meant like this" she laughs, reaching forward and typing 'neon blue hair' which makes all of them break out into laughter


"Who's your favourite group outside of yours?" Theo asks the two, spinning in his chair

"Like people or music?" Areum asks

"Ummmm....music" he decides, fiddling with his hands

"For girl groups probably (g) i-dle and boy groups stray kids" Areum tells the two

"Not us?" Keeho breathes, holding his heart

"Nah" she sighs, crossing her arms "stray kids are just on like a whole other level"

"True" Theo nods "they're really good"


"I wanna Google us" Areum says, leaning forward and googling p1harmony "okay let's look" she breathes while scrolling "ah they used the bunny picture of you Keeho" she laughs

"It's a good photo" he sighs, shrugging slightly

"I'm not gonna argue with that" she laughs "aw look at Jiung" she smiles "he looks so cute" 

"Ah i look good too!" Theo exclaims, pointing at the screen 

"I wanna see me!" Areum exclaims, leaning forward and typing 'ETERNAL' into the search bar. She searches it and finds the page for them "Ah i look so bad!" she yells, covering her eyes

"Is that even you?" Keeho laughs, looking closer 

"Yeah" she sighs "It's an old track photo"

"How did they even get that?" Theo asks

"I don't even know" Areum sighs "Is there like a google email?"

"I'm not sure"

"Because if there is i'm definitely complaining" She sighs "I mean i'm like 16 in that" she crosses her arms

"Why you gotta ruin googles vibe" Keeho jokes

"Why google gotta use an ugly photo of me?" she scoffs 

"It's not that bad" Theo chuckles "I mean.....yeah no it's bad"


The three fall until silence until Areum starts singing 'now' with the two joining in. Areum speeds it up and they do to. So in the end it seems like a sped up version of it from tick tock. Theo starts punching the air while Areum starts dancing the choreo and Keeho dances randomly "We did that" Keeho sighs, sitting back in his chair

"Slayed" Areum nods, highh fiving Theo  "We should do a collab"

"We should" Theo nods. It takes a few seconds until they all seriously consider it

"we should do a collab!" They all exclaim 

"It would be so good"


They talk a little longer until they decide to end the live "Bye everyone!" Areum waves from behind the two boys "Love ya!"

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