*Fan Calls*

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ETERNAL's manager had planned fan calls for Snowflakes, to thank them for 1 billion listens on their latest album. All the girls were sitting in their studio. Areum was at the start and she was sat beside Dawn. She thought if anyone creepy joined Dawn's call it would be better if she were there "Okay girls..your calls will start now" Their manager told them "I'm going to leave but call if you need me" she smiled, walking out of the room. Areum noticed her screen loading so she quickly looked in the reflection to see if she looked nice. The fan popped up on the screen and she immediately gasped

"Wow!" The fan exclaimed, covering her mouth "You're so pretty!"

"You're stunning as well!" Areum beamed. The fan smiled shyly in response "Aw your smile is so pretty!" Areum said, leaning forward

"No i hate my smile" The fan sighed, covering her smile "My teeth are so crooked"

"Well i  love your smile" Areum said "Imperfections are what make things perfect" she smiled "Oo that was good! quote that"

"I will!" The fan laughed

"Oh by the way, what's your name?" Areum asked

"Freya" the fan answered "And your English has gotten so good!" It's true. Areum has been studying English non stop, preparing for the time she would have to speak English for fans

"Aw thank you" she smiled "I've been studying it a lot. You know it's actually harder than mandarin and Italian but you know I had my parents to teach me" she said, leaning on her hand

"Your parents know mandarin?" They asked, their eyes wide with curiosity

"Mhm my mother is Chinese so she grew up speaking mandarin but then she moved to Italy which is where she learnt Italian and where she met my father. My father is Korean but he lived in Italy because he went to uni there" she explained "it's all quite confusing"

"Why didn't I know you were half Chinese?" The fan exclaimed

"I guess I've never said it out loud before" Areum shrugged

"So you know Italian, English, Mandarin, Korean, Japanese and Tagalog?" The fan gapped

"Well if you put it like that it sounds like a lot" she laughed "I just like to know what people are saying all the time" she chuckled "I'm very noisy"

"Oh my god! So am I!" Freya exclaimed

"Like I always have to know what people are speaking about! It's actually a problem" Areum laughed "One time I had an argument with Sunghoon about it" she chuckled

"You and sunghoon argue?! But you're perfect together!"

"Everyone argues" Areum smiled "But Sunghoon and I care about each other so much, too much for anything like that to hurt us." she said. The fans eyes softened as she heard Areum talk

"You guys really are In love aren't you?" She smiled "I'm going to be honest when I first started stanning you guys I thought your relationship was fake. To, you know get you guys more views" the fan told Areum. Areum was well aware people thought this so it didn't surprise her "But then i saw you guys in videos and how you were to each other and i realised you guys really are in love. I really want what you guys have. Unconditional love for each other"

"We were really lucky we found each other. As soon as i saw him i knew he was the one. Just the way looking into his eyes felt. Like millions of butterflies were flying around in my stomach" She said

"You guys are soulmates" Freya chuckled

"I never used to believe in soulmates but then....when i met Hoon i did" she laughed "So yeah we are"

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