
Why am I worried for him?! He doesn't even care about me. Where the hell is he? Maybe somewhere drowning himself in a pool of alcohol because he thinks I cheated him once again.

Luckily, Nikhil didn't had any internal injuries and the doctor said he will be discharged in a week.

The next day, I tried calling Ayan again and again but his phone was switched off.

Deja vu.

Why is this feeling so strong?

Last time as well he had shut me off. He didn't give me even one chance to explain.

I understood that he was not in the state yesterday to listen anything but, I thought today we will sit and talk it out. After all these times we had spent together, I thought we were making a progress, learning how to trust each other. I thought he would be a little mature now.

I didn't go out of my room all day. I didn't feel like eating at all or meeting anyone. Talking to anyone but Ayan. I kept calling him every few seconds but it was still switched off.

I will never forgive him if he shuts me out completely like the last time. He needs to listen to me, give me one chance and trust me.

But this jerk is not picking up my call at all!

At around three in the afternoon, there was a knock on my door.

"I don't want to talk to anyone. Go away." I shouted at whoever it was.

"Sam, please baccha open the door once." Dad's voice came from outside.


I went and opened the door and hugged him tightly. He rubbed my back lovingly.

"Will you tell me what happened?" Dad asked softly.

"Dad..." I cried on his chest. "Why does everyone think I am the bad person, a cheater or something."

"Tell me clearly everything."

I told him everything. From the start. How I was in love with Nikhil since, I was thirteen. How I dated Ayan while he was working for him. And how I spent the last few weeks with him and the proposal he made me day before yesterday.

I felt embarrassed to accept that I have been in love with an older man while I was just a teenager and that I have been romantically involved with his employee behind his back but still I did. I told him everything honestly. I accepted my mistakes at the same time while telling about others. I didn't keep anything to myself.

"Tell me Dad why is it always so easy for everyone to blame me rather that trusting me and understanding me. Even you didn't trust me when I said Nikhil cheated on me. You trusted him over me! You thought I was lying. Why was it so easy for you to trust a stranger over someone whom you call your daughter? Answer me Dad where am I going wrong? What is my fault that I can't make anyone believe in my truth?"

"You are not wrong, Sam. You are not at fault. I am. It is my fault that I have never trusted you like I should have. I could never give you the security that as a father I should have. I was never there for you when you needed me."

"Why did you trust Nikhil over me just like Ayan did?" I asked him.

A tear ran down his cheeks. I felt bad. I didn't want him to cry.

He made me sit on my bed. "Wait for a few minutes." He said and ran out of my room.

I waited for him quietly in my room. He entered after five minutes with a box, some papers and a book that looked like a photo album.

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