Starting A Guild (3)

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"And so, everyone... This is Gary."

"It's Kirito. Nice to meet you all..."

Kirito was tired of correcting Akihito all the time, so when the beta tester meet a few members that has been selected into the Liberation guild, he had the biggest deadpanned face a human could ever make.

"Hey, I think we've met before." A dark-skinned man with a tall build

"Ah right it was Agil ri--"

Akihito interrupted.

"That's right you two have met before, this is Tiffany!"

Both the man and Kirito stared at him with a "What the hell is wrong with you" kind of face.

"It's Agil. Nice to meet ya, Akihito-san here gave me a nice offer and contract so that was the reason I joined the guild. What about you?"

"Contract? What's that about? He left me pretty much in the dark yesterday..."

"...Um... Are you guys ignoring me?" With a huge sweatdrop on top of his head, he asked dryly.

The two new members didn't bother acknowledging his existence until a few knocks sounded on the door entrance.

"S'cuse us~!" A full party seemed to come in through the entrance. The guy who leads the group was a Guy with reddish-brown hair kept with a bandana. The guy who has the goatee beard leads a few adult men's with wearing red armor and a robe.

It wasn't to be confused with Heathcliff's guild's red and white Templar outfit, but their outfit is more like a wandering samurai bandit.

Akihito, Agil, and Kirito were the only ones with casual clothes.

"Eh--?? Ah! Kirito!?" Klein pointed out.

The main character widened his eyes at the small crowd.

"Ah? I suppose you've met each other? Oh well, I'll still start with an introduction either way. This is a small party Fuurinkazan led by him, Klein-san."

Akihito supposes he can't make a 'my name is Klein' reference anymore since it has come to this point.

"W-wha--? What---!??" (Kirito)

Akihito raised an eyebrow at him, "Eh? What's the matter, Kirito?"

But to his surprise, both the bald guy and Kirito exclaim loudly:

"So you CAN introduce someone normally after all!???" (Agil/Kirito)

"Eeeeeeh!????" (Akihito)


---Please Standby---


"So as I've said, SAO's concept of guilds is basically gone in this shitty game. But we can still make a guild through contracts via the player's association. As such, Klein-san's party here will become our members for a few 5 months. It's a rule that stated any player who wants to be a guild master needed to be in any guild for at least 2 years, or participate in raids 20 times."

Akihito explained while sipping his coffee.

The huge crowd sat on different sides of the couch, while Kirito, Agil, Klein, and Akihito sat on the couch at one table.

"You made it sound like he won't be here permanently..." Kirito stated these words.

"Well, I can't deny that. We wanted to make a guild, but since the NPC and guild options disappeared in the system, we had no choice but to do this."

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