Skill Farming

451 33 3

--- Okamura Akihito's POV ---

"¿Por qué? Porque Sí (Why? No reason)"

Magic sense allowed me to transcript any kind of sound made by any creature, as long as the sound carries an intent, I can understand it.

And it seems like our little spider here has been feeling lonely and left out.

I thought she won't want to actually interact with anyone, but I guess I am wrong.

"---My name is Akihito, will you be friends with me, Shiraori-san?"

"SHIK! (I'll be in your care!)"

Oh well,

«Report: EP stat has been reduced by 50 permanently»

I keep the Magicules transferred into her to the bare minimum.

This means she is no subordinate of mine. She'd feel a connection to my Magicules, but she won't submit herself to my commands.

As for me, I could always expand my stats by leveling up. And there's always a great sage inside my core.


So everything is just fine.


Later that night...


I was busy killing monsters inside the cave again.

If only I had Gluttonous Swordsman before, I could've gotten so many skills right now...

Oh well,

«Report: Gluttonous Swordsman has consumed the soul of an enemy. Intrinsic skill, 『Body Armor』has been successfully consumed by the core»

Great Sage announced those words after my blade mutilated the giant lizard called Armorsaurus in front of me.

Body armor might be nice, I can make my own gauntlet via Magicules.

There were also a few other skills too that I acquired, but that is a story for another time.

Name: BallsDeep69
Lv 71
COL: 81
EXP: 9/232,568

HP: 1200/2900
EP: 410/1090
Race: Enlightened/Sage
Preceding evolution path: Human

Agility: 120
Strength: 120
Stamina: 60
Straight Sword: 106
Katana: 80

• [Swordman's Greed] (S)

• [Composite: Meteor Break] (C)

• [One-Handed Sword: Horizontal] (C)

• [One-Handed Sword: Horizontal Arc] (C+)

• [Martial Arts: Embracer] (C)

• [Multilingual] (C)

• [Sprint] (C)

• [Spider Thread] (D)

• [Universal Affinity] (B)

• [Gluttonous Swordsman] (S)

• [Self-Regenedation] (E)

• [Paralysis Breath] (E)

• [Poison Breath] (E)

• [Steel Thread] (E)

• [Sticky Thread] (E)

• [Body Armor] (E)

I noticed a few things after knowing the pattern of all the skills I have got.

Common skills aren't getting any changes to their name or their uses, the cause of this would be because E class skills are easy to bypass skill assessment by the system... At least, that is what Great Sage told me.

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