Psycopaths And Gary Stu

373 27 2

"plea---se, cal...m d---own" (Kikuoka)

For a good 3 seconds, it feels like the whole association building lost the oxygen and misplaced into a planet with the heaviest gravity in the solar system.

"Oh well, I guess that is enough." Akihito turned his Haki off and immediately everyone else in the room obtained the ability to suck in air into their lungs once more.

The two adjutants who were behind Kikuoka gasped for air on the ground and the other players clad in divine dragon's trademark passed out behind Thinker.

As for the knights of blood, one of the two behind Heathcliff is down, yet one of them was paralyzed to one knee.

Two of the organization leaders breathe heavily, yet the man clad in red still locks his eyes with Akihito's as the heterochromia eyes of grey and red look back without any emotions.

"Kahhk-- as--... As we have speculated the situation.. kuh--! Akihito-sama is more than capable of handling a dungeon even on his own." Despite the crippling pain, Kikuoka forced himself to adapt and show the professionalism of an ex-lieutenant colonel.

All this while the coughing from divine dragon's leader becomes so much worse.

"Then I guess that's done. If there's nothing else I will be on my way."

Thus, Akihito stands up leaving the messy room as it is.

"Kuhhak--!! Wait, You bastard--!!!" (Thinker)

Kikuoka fixed his glasses, "Thinker-sama, I believe it would be best we leave that matter behind."

"What did you say!?" Thinker who gets to move his body again stood up and turned to Heathcliff who sat down after the Liberation Guild's leader leaves.

"Oi, don't you got something to say in this!?" The silver asked the red.

"You dragons always got your one-sided rivalry against us, so I won't be surprised if this is how it turned out. I don't care, The knights will protect Hokkaido with all our might."

"Tch--!!" The chair turned over Thinker stumps his feet to leave the room.

His teeth are visibly gritting against each other to show how much anger he accumulated throughout this meeting.

The guild leader left the room as well as his two subordinates who were in the room knocked out of the cold.


Kikuoka assigned his men to move Thinker's knocked-out subordinates out of the room and Heathcliff sent his guild members back to the guild.

Only Kikuoka and Heathcliff are inside the huge meeting room now.

"Akihiko-san, it seems like it's going to be a rough year." Kikuoka stated thus, seemingly understanding that the true identity of Heathcliff is Kayaba Akihiko.

"Seems about right" The red man pulled out a circular item inside his inventory and placed it on the table.


[Private space has engulfed the current space dimension]

[Diameter: 10 meters]

[Timer: 04:99]

[Any words spoken inside the private space will only be filtered to the constellations]

"It was a small mistake, but I never thought this is how everything would be turned out." (Heathcliff)

"Haa... The administrator that told you he is on humanity's side and will help us shut down the game... Can you really trust his words?"

Kikuoka spoke sternly at him.

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