Chapter 14 - Training

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The training was rigorous. 

At first in consisted of walking through the agility course just so I could easily get used to it whilst Nyra talked about defence and attacking strategies and that was all easy until I actually had to do the course.

Nyra made me run laps from one tree to another for about 30 minutes as a warm up and by then end of it I was out of breathe but I kept pushing because if I didn't I probably wasn't going to survive five minutes in her world.

After the warm up she made me run the course in 3 sections. The first section consisted of running and hopping over obstacles, the easiest part of the course by far. The second was the hardest however, I had to climb these ropes attached to a wall and then slide or jump down the wall to then run to another smaller wall and climb up it. Once I was up I had to jump from platform to platform to avoid falling. It was exhausting. The third section was easier but still hard. I had to crawl under barbed wire before getting up and sliding under these wooden beams. 

By then end of the first full run my body was aching and I could tell I had bruises forming around my legs.  

"I think I am going to die if you make me run that again" I puffed completely finished.

"Don't worry we won't do it again, well for today at least" I almost launched myself at Nyra to hug her but I reframed.

"What are we doing now then?" I said whilst taking deep breathes in order to slow my heart back down to its regular rhythm.

"Well we will follow the schedule we made, so I suppose your magic." She nodded as if confirming with herself mentally.  

I nodded in response as Nyra led us over to a more secluded area of the open field. It was further away from the cottage and had pine trees almost surrounding all side of us apart from the side closest to the cottage. I admired the area, it was gorgeous, it was like a small flower field covered by the trees to keep it hidden away from people. Nyra stopped around the middle of the area and sat down. 

"Sit and we'll get started." She smiled up at me. I sat across from her and waited for her next instruction. "Okay, we'll start with your breathing, it needs to be slowed and controlled to the point your entire body is relaxed almost like your about to fall asleep." She stated

"Okay." I breathed.

"Right follow my lead." She instructed.

She began, she closed her eyes so I did too. At first I couldn't grasp the rhythm but then Nyra began to talk me through it. "In, slow and controlled remember." I did as she said and held for about five seconds just as she previously told me to do. "And out for eight." She reminded. I followed her instructions. We did the breathing exercises for another 10 minutes. I was on the verge of falling asleep by the time we finished.

"Alright good. Now while doing it your going to think about what I have taught you, about the old faeries abilities. Whilst doing so I want you to feel for that power, seek it out, and once you feel it grab it and don't let go." She commanded. 

I began breathing in and out just like we'd been doing only seconds ago. It took me a minute to get back into a good rhythm but once I was there I started to rack my head information Nyra had been teaching me. 

Once I did I reminded myself of the abilities that were known of the old fae and searched my head for it, I searched my body. Nothing came to me. I was frustrated, I knew it wouldn't come easy but not feeling anything was angering. 


Once nothing came to me we headed back inside, I went to sleep feeling defeated. I didn't wake for supper but once I had awoken it was late, somewhere around midnight. 

I got up still in my clothes from earlier and decided to try again to find what lay within me. My breathing slowed as I concentrated, this time I didn't listen to Nyra's exact breathing techniques but did it on my own, slower and more still as controlled. My heart slowed as my body relaxed more. It felt nice to be this calm and tranquil for once in a long time. I embraced it as I searched my mind and soul for anything, yet I still came across nothing. 

Feeling annoyed I went outside as my room felt clammy and claustrophobic. Strolling towards the training grounds I let my thoughts consume me. As I reached the edge of the training grounds my thoughts drifted to that night years ago, my heart swelled with sadness as the memory played in my head, having to watch my parents die and not been able to do anything about it. A tear slid down my face, angerly I wiped it away with my sleeve. 

Then I felt it. 

It felt to foreign, like I shouldn't be feeling it but I knew deep down that whatever it was belonged to me. So I grasped it and didn't let go. With my concentration both on the memories and this strand of power that flew through me it only grew. 

Then it dawned on me, my anger was making this power noticeable, so I thought of everything that angered me spreading from the petty fights with my brother to hating myself for letting that man touch me. And just as I thought of him the power boomed with in me, calling out to me. 

It whispered in my ear, words I didn't quite understand but as if my body understood my hand slowly raised in front of me. My palm faced towards the stars but it slowly turned to the grass, my fingers moved elegantly as they bended and straightened again. The power that boomed in me then came to life in a physical form. 

Strands of lightning electricity danced between my fingers, lighting up the area slightly. It entrancing watching the electricity dance around my fingers and around my hand as if it had known me forever. Just as I was getting comfortable with it and the anger in me bubbled down it disappeared. 

I tried to resummon it but nothing I thought of brought it out again, it was hiding from me. 

Welp, who's excited for the journey to really begin?

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Welp, who's excited for the journey to really begin?

I know I am. I am so excited to write it all like just yes. Plus I am really excited to write all the scenes that appear in my head. I get distracted at school thinking about the scenes I write in this book.

Word Count - 1100

Have a good day/night.

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