Chapter 13 - The Changing

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My head was pounding, my body was aching, everything hurt. I pried my eyes open but was blinded by a blistering light making my head pound harder. I groaned in response whilst blinking rapidly to adjust to the brightness. When I had finally adjusted I looked around the room, it was the same one Mairwen had performed on me, nobody was in here though. 

I wanted to stand up and search for somebody but my legs felt to weak to even swing over the stone so instead I just curled up into a bawl and hugged my legs in attempt to soothe the pain I felt, but to no avail. 

I heard steps coming towards my room but they felt to loud like they were right next to my ear. It hurt, it was giving me a headache, I wanted to tell whoever it was to just shut up. I then heard the door handle rattle as the door opened with a creak. I moaned in pain as my ears just couldn't handle it. 

"Go away." I hoarsely said, my throat felt so dry I realised. 

The person didn't answer they just moved closer. I finally brought my eyes to there body to see who it was. It was Nyra. She had a concerned look on her face as she moved around the room gathering different plants together and grinding them together but she finally turned to me.

"Eat it." She commanded handing a lump of mixed plants to me. I grabbed the herbs she gave me and ate but as soon as they touched my tongue I wanted to gag and spit them out. "Don't spit them out, they'll help" I simply nodded before chewing on them repulsed by the taste and texture of them, they felt so slimy. Once I had swallowed them down she then gave me a cup of water which I immediately gulped down feeling much better as the dryness in my mouth slowly went away.

"Thank you." I whispered as my ears still ached and I didn't want to make any loud sounds.

Nyra just nodded as she spoke "Your ears have formed and your body has taken its proper shape." She scanned my body from head to toe, observing me. 

I didn't really acknowledge what she said for a moment but then it hit me. "Huh? What do you mean?" I asked wondering what she meant by that.

"Come I'll show you." She walked towards the mirror. I tried to stand to follow her but before I could even take a step my legs gave out beneath me. I grasped onto the table. Silently Nyra came over to me to help me walk over. I limped as I walked trying to avoid putting to much pressure on my legs. 

Once we got to the mirror I looked and my lips parted slightly in shock, I looked so different. My eyes scanned down my body. I was still skinny don't get me wrong but I looked leaner, I had put on muscle without even having to do anything. I looked stronger, I didn't look like I had been practically homeless and starving. I looked some what healthy. 

I brought my eyes up to my face, nothing much had changed there but then I remembered why Nyra had said about my ears. I moved my thick curls away from my ears and my eyes widened. They were no longer small and rounded at the top but instead they were long and sharp the tops of my ear was now pointed and so much longer. They looked beautiful. 


Nyra talked to me about my changes whilst the pain began to subside I was grateful to not be aching anymore. Nyra told me all about the people in the fae realm this time, how they looked and how many will look like me but some won't. The one that don't will be lurking in the shadows and will only come out at night. She told me about them and how they were there to hunt and kill, they weren't friendly and the ones that were, were just playing games and luring you in. At first it scared me but as she went on she told me different ways to kill them and she said she'd teach me tomorrow after a goods night rest which I so desperatly needed.

After that she led to my bedroom, I had forgotten about before. Nyra told me to just rest up and she'll wake me in the morning. 

As soon as she left I stripped out of the clothes I had been in when I collapsed and searched the dresser for something comfortable. I came across a sweater and a pair of baggy shorts. I slipped into them and rolled up the sleeves of the sweater before getting comfortable in the bed. It felt like I was on a cloud, it was so soft. It felt as it was never used or it wasn't used very regularly. 

I drifted off into sleep a few minutes later. 


I woke up to Nyra gently shaking me to get up and get ready, she also said something about getting to training but I didn't quite register it. 

I got dressed in a sleepy haze just wanting to go back to the cloud of a bed bur I didn't. Instead I got dressed into the clothes Nyra gave me. They weren't like the clothes I had been warning recently. 

I was given a white blouse with a low V-neck but it had string in order for me to cover my chest, which I did wanting to cover as much skin as possible. The pants I was given was made of a black stretchy leather, it felt foreign, I had never felt a lather like this. I slide them on with a slight struggle. I was given extras, optional that I also decided to wear, I didn't want to be rude and not wear them. They consisted of some brown thick leather clothes that came up to my elbow and were fingerless, they looked like they were made of two strands of the leather as they intertwined each other. Then there was the knee high boots that I was given, surprisingly they were quite comfortable and I was able to move fluidly in them. Finally there was a brown clincher corset made up of the same material of the pants. It wad clasps to tighten it together and by those clasps were small pockets for something I had yet to figure out. 

I walked out of my room towards the sitting room where Nyra awaited me. 

"Took you long enough." Nyra spoke as I entered I just chuckled slightly as I replied.

"Had to figure out how to put all this one" I gestured to my outfit. "It's not something I'd typically wear."

"Ah yes of course, well it does suit you. You look more like a fae now." She smiled as she walked out while I followed. As we walked we talked about what I'd endure for the next eek and a half. 

"So are you ready?" Nyra asked as we finished up the conversation as we entered the clearing.

"Yeah, I mean I think I am." I replied glancing around the training course I'd now be running everyday until this week and a half are up. Nyra told me that we'd be doing the training course to build up my physical strength and focusing on building up some of my old fae abilities during the day whilst at night we'd focus on the people and the cultures of the realm. 

I sighed as I got ready to start.

Short chapter for you guys, I had literally no idea what to write but we will get there

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Short chapter for you guys, I had literally no idea what to write but we will get there.

I do hope this chapter wasn't to boring for you guys though, if it was please do try tell me how I could make it more interesting. 

Word Count - 1300

Have a good day/night and don't forget to vote and comment. 

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