Chapter 7 - Regret and Secrets

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That's what my thoughts were screaming at me. And, it was true.

I am a murderer and I've accepted that; well to some degree. I have yet to wash the blood of my clothes and face. It has dried by now and I look completely crazy. The only part of my face that is clear of blood is where my tears had cleared a path across my cheeks.

I knew deep down I felt guilty for killing the man but currently I felt nothing for him, he deserved it in the end.

I feel numb.

I've been staring at my bedroom wall for what seems like day but in reality it's only been a few hours, maybe 3 or 4? I really can't tell. I am just in shock.

Yet somehow, I can't fully believe I murdered somebody. I know it was self defence but I took somebody's life. Maybe that man was a father, a brother and definitely a son. He was probably loved so much by his family and I took him away from them.

I felt horrible for potentially taking a loved one from someone but at the same time I felt pleasure in being able to rid this world of someone like him.

I hate it though. I hate how he's made me feel so terrible for defending my own wellbeing but I also hate how I ended a man's life.

I wanted to scream. Scream out for help. I wanted help. I needed to get away from this place a soon. I didn't want to be near here anymore, so many bad things have happened here. So many bad memories have been here. I just want to leave and start anew. I needed a new beginning.


I left my house a few minutes ago after finally gathering myself together, I also changed my clothes, I was wandering wondering on how to leave, how to make my own great escape of this small hell hole of a town.

I was walking anywhere to be honest, I had zoned out a while ago but that didn't matter. It was fairly dark and nobody was out in the streets apart from the drunk, who I stayed very far away from, and the women of the town. Who was I though to judge, they were doing anything they could to make ends meat, just like I did a few months ago.

Half an hour of wondering and being constantly zoned out, I had finally come back to reality but only after bumping into somebody.

"Dear, you should really watch where you're going, and keep focused especially at this time of night." A women's voice spoke softly as I collied with there body.

I looked up to speak to the soft speaking women "I know, I know. I am so sorry I just got lost in my thoughts and was in a trance. My apologise for walking into you." I apologised.

"It's fine my dear. You know, I could of sworn I've seen you before. Somewhere other than this town. Are you a traveller of sorts?" The mystery women asked.

"No, no. I am in fact not a traveller. However, I am hoping to start travelling soon, I just have to figure out how to get out of this hell hole first" I chuckled wondering why I was telling this stranger about what I wanted.

"What if I told you I could get you our of here by the end of this month. You could escape to a whole new world, you'd just need to complete one task for me!" She exclaimed to me.

"I'd love that, I mean I really would but I don't know you. We have only just met each other and for all I know you could be some crazy-ass person that may murder me."  I said with caution, just in case. It was ironic because out of the two of us I was defiantly the killer here, like literally.  

"I suppose that it true; however, I can prove to you I am not! I can prove this to you. I just need you to follow me." She proposed.

I was a bit suspicious at first as I had only just met this women, not to mention this was my first time seeing her in this town. It was weird, I normally recognised everyone, but not her. 

"If I am going to follow you I am at least going to need a name of some sorts, to gain a bit of trust." I politely demanded.

"That will all come in due time" She half promised to me. I felt like I was getting no where with this women yet something in me told me to trust her. My gut feeling was to follow her and maybe she'd be my saviour, maybe she'd be the thing I was so desperately looking for. She could be my ticket out of here. My great escape. 

Still in a daze, she led me down many alley ways until we eventually go to the outskirts of Azmar. It was just broken down buildings a piles upon piles of rubbles. There were very few buildings left standing now but the ones that were, were inhabited by rats and probably nasty diseases. I had no clue where she could be taking me other than one of these broken, rat infested buildings. However, I still followed her, I was beginning to get curious now. I know I should of been scared but I am sure this sweet women couldn't hurt me. 


She had finally led me to her final destination. It appeared to be a rusted, barely standing warehouse it genuinely looked like it was on its last legs and was going it was going to crumple to the floor in one massive heap of rubble any minute now. 

"Are you taking me in there?" I questioned with surprise evident in my tone and probably on my face. 

"Yes dear, I am." She confirmed my suspicions with a somewhat cheery smile on her face. I don't know how she could be smiling at me like that when the building it appeared she lived in was in the state that it is. 

"It looks like its about to come crashing down, are you sure it's safe?" I inquisitively asked her. "Because  I don't want to die by getting crushed." I awkwardly laughed whilst scratching the back of my neck in hopes that maybe she was just stopping to see if anyone was following us but I highly doubt it.

"Don't worry it's perfectly save" She assured me. "We kept the outside the way it is to keep people questioning it, it looks better on the inside." She told me. But what did she mean by we? Who is we? 

 I have finally finished this chapter after forever

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 I have finally finished this chapter after forever. 

I deleted this chapter so many times and rewrote it I actually almost gave up to be honest. I am just glad I am finally done and I can publish it after such a long time of trying to write it out of how I imagine ed this chapter would unfold. 

Word Count: 1200

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