Chapter 9 - Decisions

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I had barely slept last night as guilt had finally began to settle in, I also couldn't bare closing my eyes because as soon as I did I saw his face again and felt his hands all over my body again. It didn't help that I had to many questions seeping into my mind.

The questions in my head just wouldn't quiet down. I needed answers and I needed the soon, preferably today. Once I did get to sleep though the sun was on the verge of rising. I had only gotten about 3 hours of sleep, but I didn't mind, I was used to it.

I sat on the edge of my bed when I heard a knock at my door. "Come in." I called lost in my thoughts as I peeling the skin around my nails.

To my surprise Arlo was the one who opened the door. He was holding a pile of clothes in his hands. He looked at the clothes and then at me, then he extended his arms towards me. I just peered up at him before he walked further into the room and placed them on the small dresser in the corner.

Today he wasn't in all black but rather a dark olive-green shirt and some black cargos. He had his arms exposed this time and I saw the tattoos etched onto him. They were gorgeous.

"You have nice tattoos!" I complimented. He just grunted in reply before walking out of the room and closing the door behind him.

"Rude much." I uttered to myself. I looked up towards where he had placed the clothes and wondered if they were for me or if they were in this room before I had gotten here.

I just took the assumption they were for me because I really didn't want to go out in these ripped clothes. I walked up to the dresser and took them over to the bed before stripping down to just my undergarments. I grabbed the cream coloured shirt first and slid it over my head. It was oversized but I didn't really care because I was used to oversized clothes. Next, I grabbed the dark brown sweats. They puddled around my feet and almost fell down because they were too big for my waist. I tightened them and rolled them up at my waist so I didn't trip over them whilst I was walking. Finally I put on the black socks I was given. I was grateful as all my socks had holes in them.  

I was thankful for the clothes even if they were too big for me. I grabbed the brush that was also on the dresser and brushed all the tangles out of my hair before putting it into a bun at the nape of my neck. I was still a bit cold, so I grabbed my jacket and slid my arms into the sleeves before pulling up the hood to hopefully hide my face and the tiredness that adorned it.

Once I was done getting dressed I left the room and walked into the kitchen where everyone was gathered. There was food on the stove with Malachi in front of it. He seemed to be concentrating while the Nyra and Arlo bickered about something I couldn't quite understand.

"Hi" I shyly mumbled with my hands awkwardly held my hands in front of me.

"Ahh Elysia, I was wondering when you were going to come out." Nyra laughed. I anxiously laughed with her to not make things awkward but if anything, it felt awkward, I felt awkward.

"Well here I am." I remarked, trying to get rid of the awkward tension in the room, I didn't know if it was just me that felt it or if the others also felt the awkwardness.

"Were just about to eat breakfast, do you want any?" Malachi queried. Whilst grabbing four plates out of a cabinet.

"Well, if you're offering how can I say no." I chuckled as Malachi gave me a bright toothy smile.

He plated up the food and grabbed out some bottled water before giving us all plate of food.

I thanked him before digging in. It was delicious. It was a bowl of fruits with some warm oats on the side. It had to have been the most nutritious and delicious meal I've had in months. It was gone within 5 minutes leaving me absolutely stuffed.

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