Chapter 10 - A New Purpose

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Last night was dreadful, I couldn't escape my thoughts for a while but when I finally did I found peace in it. I feel right into a deep slumber after having a rough couple a weeks. It was amazing, I woke up feeling refreshed and not completely dead like I had normally felt these past few months. 

I slipped out of my bed and moved towards the dresser where Malachi put a fair few clothes on top for me to chose, he even some how managed to get me some underwear. I quickly picked out an outfit and grabbed them to take to the bathroom.

As I left my room I bumped into Arlo he was in his usual cheery mood, not. "Do you know if anyone is in the bathroom?" I asked

"No ones in there" He shorted. What a moody bitch he was. So delightful to be around. 

"Okay thanks." I chipperly spoke. I walked off towards the bathroom. Once I reached the bathroom I knocked just to be safe but there was no reply so I just walked in. I placed down my clothes on the counter top before grabbing a towel off the rack. I turned on the water and checked every now and then until it was the perfect heat. 

I quickly showered off and washed my hair thoroughly and is clearly needed it. After I had done I hastily put my hair into a tight bun on top of my head before drying off the rest of my body. I grabbed the black underwear from the counter and slipped them on before grabbing the black crop top that was paired with some black cargos. The clothes weren't humongous on me this time just slightly oversized which I preferred. I was slightly cold so I grabbed the brown flannel shirt and slipped it on and buttoned it up but still leaving the first 4 buttons undone. I then slid on my socks before grabbing my dirty clothes and taking them back to my room and tossing them into a hamper. 

Once I was back into my room I took my hair out of the bun and thoroughly dried it till it sprung back to its tight black curls. I spent the next hour or so just doing my hair. I despised my hair sometimes. It was difficult to manage and if I brushed it, it just turned into a massive afro. I had asked Nyra for some of those golden beads she had in hair the other day, she gave me some and I decided to put those in my hair. I had my hair in large cornrow braids until they met where my bun was, I didn't have time to braid all of my hair so I just braided from my forehead to where I wanted my bun to sit. 


Once I was done I came out of my room and went to go find the others. I found them all sat on the couches just laughing and chilling with one another. I smiled as I walked over, I went to go sit next to Nyra who immediately asked "Have you decided yet?" 

I laughed at the rapid pace she asked me before responding "Yeah I have." She looked at me in anticipation, waiting for my reply, she had hope in her eyes but it was clear she didn't want to get to hopeful. "I've decided that I'll help you." That was all I needed to say before Nyra enveloped me into a large hug thanking me over and over again. I smiled and tightly hugged her back. As she let me go I smiled at the others and for the first time ever I saw Arlo give a slight smile. I was happy I could help them. I decided that no matter what happens in this world, that this next world is my chance at a fresh start. I needed it. 

My brother left me so I am leaving him. I love him and I hope I will seem him again in the future but for now I have more important things to do. I don't need him to try and protect me and shield me from my potential. He has his adventure and I have mine. 

My thoughts were interrupted by Malachi "Right then, we best get going we have to meet Mairwen soon." 

"Mairwen is the one who is going to remove the dampener and amplify your powers." Arlo gruffly informed me. I nodded in understanding before heading back to my room to quickly pack a few things. 

I grabbed my knives and slid them into my various pockets. I also put one in my hair and obviously slid one into my thigh holster. I quickly grabbed the backpack I had earlier spotted my the dresser and slid in a change of clothes and an extra layer to keep me warm. I grabbed my jacket from the back of the door and slid it on as well. I needed to be prepared for all kinds of weather because for all I know it could be summer in this new realm I was about to uncover. 

I then slipped on the brown combat boots Malachi had also left in my room before hastily walking out of my room and meeting the others in the kitchen. They had clearly had there bags packed long before I did because they were all chatting freely. 

"Took you long enough" Arlo grunted. 

"Shut up" I muttered whilst glaring at him.

"Can you two just shut up and be peaceful. Like you guys have barely known each other what 3 days and you can't stop glaring at each other" Nyra commanded. 

"Yes ma'am" I saluted as I held back a laugh. It didn't last long before both me and Malachi burst out laughing whilst Nyra just gave me a stern look. Arlo just rolled his eyes and headed for the stairs. I really wonder who shoved a stick up his ass.      


We were now on the south side of the town about a mile or so into the forest, so not very far. Nyra said Mairwen' s hut was quiet far into the forest, she estimated about 10 miles, because she didn't want any humans to find it. I don't think any human had gone further than about 3 miles in, as once you got that far it got denser and a lot dark because the trees covered up the sky.  

We had lanterns out to illuminate out path. Especially for Arlo as he appeared to be a clumsy as he had tripped and fallen face first into a patch of mud. We all laughed at him as he wiped the mud of his face with an angry expression. I was laughing so hard I got cramps in my stomach. 

We continued on after Arlo's little incident. The forest only got denser. It was becoming more jungle like but couldn't possibly be a jungle as it was way to cold in this part of Azmar to even be considered. I didn't mind the trek though, it excited me in a way because I was finally getting to travel and leave my crappy town. It made me feelings I thought would never be possible for me. 

A smile graced my face as I finally realised what my life would be now. It would be full of mysteries and adventure that I wouldn't be able to get enough of. I was living my very own fairy-tale. 

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Hello guys!

I actually didn't know how to finish this chapter for like a week, so yeah. Bit of a shitty ending but we will move on from that because I said so. 


Word Count: 1300

Don't forget to vote and comment, I need to hear your thoughts on the book guys so just help me out here. 


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