Prologue - My Demon

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My gaze landed on the city that laid in front of me, I was in a foreign land that the fae had never once set foot in. It was against the law, but my king commanded me to come here, so I had to.

He had sent me here to search and kill some traitors of our homeland, he said they needed to be killed before they tell this foreign world our secrets. My king told me all of this whilst in a drunken state, but I didn't ask questions. He taught me not to ask questions.

I wandered the foreign streets seeking out my targets home, but everything looked the same here. It looked the entire opposite of what my world looks like. Here everything is crumbling to the ground, even the people. It was poverty stricken and everyone looked dead inside. I wasn't used to seeing entire cities like this, small measly towns, yes but cities, no. It was odd I almost felt sympathy for them.



I had finally found the house; it was the only house in the entire city that looked somewhat put together. I was told it would look different because of who lived here, fae. Once I got there, I didn't hesitate to kick the door in and enter the house. I heard nothing as I entered, only the gasps from bystanders outside, other than that it was silent. I began to check the house for the traitors but every room I checked was empty, abandoned. I finally went down the hallway, to the last place I hadn't checked. I assumed it was a bedroom. I twisted the cold silver door handle and opened the door that creaked. Behind I was greeted by a foot to the stomach, knocking me back down the hallway. I regained my footing with ease and drew my sword from its sheath. My opponent already had his sword in hand and so did his wife. This was going to be fun.

A smirk graced my face as my prey called out "Leave us!"

I grunted in return and slowly walked towards them with blood on my mind.

As soon as I was close enough he swung is sword at me, it was easily blocked by me. The clinking of the swords was music to my ears. I brought my sword down from the block and swung at my targets legs but was stopped by the woman's own weapon, a sickle. It was a good weapon but not for this fight; we were in too close of a range. I withdrew my sword back to me and swung at them again but they both blocked me this time. This time they withdrew their weapons and held them in a defensive way, they weren't going to attack me.

I pulled out the dagger from my belt and held it, blade pointing away from them. I thrusted my sword in their direction but missed on purpose only to spin into them and stab the wife in the ribs. She cried as I made contact and stumbled back onto the bed, the blade still in her side and her sickle now on the floor. The husband was distracted for a moment; I took this chance to lunge at him. My blade easily pierced into his chest. He fell to the floor choking on his own blood. The wife screamed but it was cut off by me taking the dagger out of her chest and slicing her throat.


I had tears streaming down my face, when our parents told us to hide, we knew something bad was happening and it was. My brother and I watched helplessly as our parents tried to fight of the attacker. But they failed and were now at his mercy.

He didn't have mercy though.

I watched as he ruthlessly killed our parents. He danced around with the sword; it was horrible watching something so gut wrenching be so elegant on him. Blood splattered everywhere. Our once pristine white walls were now painted in the demise of my parents.

Tears had welled in my eyes long before I saw the blood splatter but now the flooded down my face. I wanted to scream and attack the man for ruining my family like this, but I knew I had to stay hidden. If I didn't, I would be joining my parents next. I knew they didn't want that, that's why they taught us to hide, they knew this day would come but didn't know when.

I looked at my brother and he had no tears down his face, he just stared through the cracks in the floorboards at the blood painted walls. He just started, there was no emotion on his face, it was blank. I snuggled into his side as they man walked away. My brother wrapped his arms around me and pressed my head into his chest making sure I could no longer see the crime scene above me. 

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Thank you for reading this very short prologue.

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Word Count: 863

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