Chapter 35: Morning after

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A time when the effects of overindulgence are felt

Freen woke up with the sound of running water and the blinding morning sunlight as someone had pulled back the window curtains of the hotel room.

"Whaa..?" Freen groaned, "My head." Freen woke up with a massive hangover headache where even the smallest whisper sounded like hammers pounding in to her head. She pulled the covers above her head and tried to sleep it off but somebody was pulling it off of her trying to wake her up.

"Arghh... I'm up!" Freen finally got up and confronted her assailant. Her eyes bugged out when she saw a stranger at the foot of her bed, and screamed at the top of her lungs, "Who are you? Where am I? Why are you in my room?"
Her scream had caused the bathroom door to crash open and another man in a bathrobe to come running into the bedroom. Freen quickly spun her head to view the new stranger in her room.

"Heng?" Freen rubbed her eyes to see if she was seeing things, but it was Heng her ex in a bathrobe with his hair wet since he had just finished a shower.

"Good morning Freen. Why did you wake her? I told you to be quiet!" Heng scolded the other stranger. The other man simply shrugged.

"I..I..don't understand. Why are you in my room? Who is this?" Freen tried to shake off her hangover and focus on the situation at hand.

"Honey, why don't you go get us some breakfast while I have a chat with Freen." Heng asked the other man, who was not pleased at Freen at the moment.

"Okay.I'll get you a coffee and give you guys some privacy." The man got up from the foot of the bed and exited the hotel room.

"You... him..? When did it start?"

"Really Freen, is this the most important thing you should be asking right now? You owe me Freen. You owe me big! Do you know how dangerous it is to drink alone in a bar last night? Especially to the level of drunkness you were in? You are so lucky that I saw you last night and brought you up to our room. You ruined my romantic night with my boyfriend! Not only did you cockblock me, you are a terrible drunk! You thrashed around, slapped me, and even threw up all over me. I had to take care of your terrible ass the whole night and my baby is soooooo not happy with you right now."

"oh...thank you Heng for taking care of me. I'm so sorry for ruining your night." Freen heaved a big sigh of relief that it was Heng who had taken care of her in her drunken state, and that she hadn't been taken advantage nor did she do anything something terrible like having a one night stand with a stranger.

"In all seriousness, talk to me Freen. It isn't like you to drink like that without a reason."

Freen heaved another big sigh and finger combed her messy hair, "I..I don't know Heng. I don't know where to start."

"At the beginning is a good start."

"You know that I have been in a relationship with Rebecca right?"

"I knew that you were interested but I hadn't known you guys had been official."

"Yes, we're girlfriends and she is living with me at the moment."

"Wow! Big steps! I'm a little jealous you already asked her to move in with you when I had dated you for 3 years and only been to your place a handful of times."

Freen rolled her eyes, "That just proves how wrong we were with each other and too dumb to end it sooner than wasting each other's time."

"So what went wrong?" Heng asked.

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