Chapter 29: Punishment

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Oh please, if I will be punished by your hand. 

Freen attempted to distract and draw Rebecca from sulking, but she would not be distracted, she gave one-word answers to Freen's attempt to have small talk. Thailand has a very hot tropical climate, but Freen was sweating bullets even with the air conditioner on, she knew that Rebecca was just bidding her time before her interrogation started and she was not looking forward to it.

"Do you want to get ice cream from McDonalds?"


"Are you hungry? We can pick up some takeout food before we head home."


"Do you..."

"Home. Freen." Rebecca interrupted and gave Freen a cold stare.


Freen's thoughts: On a scale of one to ten, ten being I'm FUBAR (Fucked Up Beyond Repair). I think I'm at a twenty. Damn! Damn! When did she become so smart all of a sudden? I'm so nervous with her being angry at me that I can't even think of a different story to tell her. The truth is just too crazy to even say. Fudgeeeee. Why does the time go so fast when you're in the shit bucket. I don't have much time. Think Freen. Think!

Rebecca's thoughts: What else is she keeping from me. Hasn't she learned her lesson yet? Haven't I expressed my concerns enough! I'm going stir crazy with all the different possible scenarios that Freen has kept from me. This drive to go back home is so slow!

They finally reached the home despite Freen dragging her feet and keep finding excuses to delay. The air was warm in the condo, but the atmosphere was colder than the Cold War as Freen helped Rebecca into the condo and had gotten her a glass of water.

"Enough Freen. Quit stalling and tell me what else you've been keeping from me." Freen looked left and right, she fidgeted and then let out a heavy sigh and looked at Rebecca.

"I cheated."

Those two words hit Rebecca hard and suddenly there was like a wave of energy overpowering her where she could no longer hear what Freen said afterwards. Rebecca expected various scenarios inside her head, but she had never envisioned that Freen would cheat on her. She didn't know how long she stood there but when she came back to the present, her cheeks were wet with tears, and she could see Freen's face was soaking wet and frantically dodging left and right around the apartment. She was unaware that she had subconsciously thrown her cup of water into Freen's face and was grabbing random objects and throwing it in Freen's direction.

"BB! Stop! Let me explain!"

"When?" Rebecca screamed at Freen, "With whom?" Rebecca stopped throwing things at Freen but she was breathing hard as her heart hurt from the devastating news.

"Its not what you are thinking! I cheated with you."

"Wha-what? Rebecca hiccupped; she wasn't sure if she heard it correctly. Freen cheated on her with her? Freen wipes the water from her face as she cautiously approaches her and tries to hold Rebecca's hands, but Rebecca flinches and evades her touch. She was still suspicious and felt that Freen's unfinished confession has tainted their relationship.

"Talk now!" Rebecca demanded.

"BB, I don't even know how to begin. It may sound really really preposterous and that I'm making it up but believe me that I am telling you the truth."

"Just tell me!"

"Before I met you at BonBon, I..uh..I sort of went to another I travelled back in, I dreamed...the bottom line is that I somehow went back in time to when I was in highschool. And in highschool, I was a boy and we had met. We became close friends and then we dated. I was your boyfriend, and you were my girlfriend. That's why when I came back to the present, I knew things about you. Things like what you like to eat, your little habits, your personality, and how to make you fall in love with me. That's what I meant by I cheated. I had already dated you. I already knew the 'tricks' to attract you."

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