Chapter 15: Comfort Zone

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You are my safety blanket and nobody can take it away, even if it is you. 

A few weeks flew by and since Freen's first day at BonBon, there hasn't been a day where they didn't see each other or talk to each other (her friends and Irin have a group chat but Freen made a special group chat "🐰🦦🥰🥰" with just Rebecca and herself). Their daily routine are so ingrained with one another that it almost seems like they lived together when in fact they haven't even stepped in each other's homes. From a bystander's point of view, you would have labelled Rebecca and Freen as a couple -- they were always together, talking to each other, eating and drinking from the same utensils, and small little touches like patting on the back or on the head. Freen always drives Rebecca to work while Rebecca will always prepare a morning breakfast for Freen. At work, Freen will usually pop by Rebecca's office to make sure she keeps herself hydrated, warm, and eat at regular lunch hours. After work, they would go out to eat for dinner or go grocery shopping and then back to their respective homes. On the weekend, they would hang out with their friends together or go cafe hopping in Thailand. 

Rebecca's demeanor and personality changed since Freen came into the picture, her staff noticed that she became friendlier, warmer, and more approachable. Her Ice Palace is no longer closed off and her door is always open. They teased Freen as the knight that has freed her Princess (would not dare do so in front of Rebecca) and Freen just laughed it off. She is happy that people see the warm happy person that she sees. 

Rebecca's thoughts: Freen takes care of me so much that I am getting addicted to this, she fills up my days with smiles and I look forward to seeing her everyday. I have never had someone who is so attentive to me and yet not suffocating. She does it all so naturally, so genuine, so sincere. When I see her I feel stronger and braver to try things outside of my comfort zone. It is funny that she is my comfort zone that makes me step out my comfort zone. She is my armor and my safety blanket. I'm so happy that I'm scared someday, someone or something will take it all away. I can't let that hap..

"BecBec, may I call a taxi for you to take you home tonight?" 

"What? Why? Why can't you drive me tonight?" Rebecca asked as she snapped out of her thoughts. 

"Heng is taking me out on a date . He made a dinner reservation and is picking me up from work." 

"I haven't eating dinner either. Can I come?" 

"hmm... I think he wants to spend some time with me alone. I haven't spent time with him since I have started here." Freen hesitated, "May I call the VIP taxi for you." 

"No, I can do it myself." Rebecca sulked.

Freen's thoughts: Sorry Rebecca! I feel so guilty! I have spent all my days with you that  I haven't spent any time with Heng, and it is unfair to him. He was so adamant that I have dinner with him tonight.  It is the least I could do. 

After work, Rebecca watched Freen get into Heng's car from her office window. She was not in a good mood. 

"Rebecca, are you listening to me? Earth to Rebecca" Irin protested.

"Ummm... he doesn't even open the car door for her. Just honked his horn and waits for her to get in-- such an inconsiderate boyfriend"

"Who are you talking about?" Irin walks over but only sees Heng's car driving off.

"No one. What did you say earlier?" 

"I knew it, you weren't listening to me. I said do you want to watch a movie together at your place? Freen asked me to be with you tonight since she has plans."

"Sure" said Rebecca but thought Aww so attentive to me ... but would have been better if you could do it in person rather than asking Irin.

6:37 pm

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