Chapter 1: Hello My Name is Freen

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Freen screamed at the top of her lungs and at a pitch she is no longer familiar with. She quickly took off her clothes and examined herself visually and physically. Her familiar female body was now replaced as a young male body. Unable to wrap her mind on how biologically possible it is to switch genders overnight; she spent the next hour alternating between touching herself and muttering to herself.

I have a penis. A P.E.N.I.S...

Suddenly there was a ring and Freen subconsciously reached out and picked up the cell phone. Thinking it would be her usual touchscreen IPhone, her finger moved across the device. Huh? This is my old Nokia phone, where is IPhone. She looked at the screen and saw that the caller ID was Heng.


"Hey! Are you skipping today? I don't see you in class."

"Skipping?" What am I skipping?"

"School....? Today is Monday and remember we have basketball practice today at 4pm"

"School? Basketball?" Freen parroted after Heng.

"What is wrong with you? Yes! Look I don't care if you skip class but make sure you come to practice! All of us want to claim the glory of school district championship this year for our last senior year. Dude! We talked about this! No Slacking! Show up or die."

Heng hung up after shouting at Freen.

Freen stared at the phone stupefied. First, she has never heard Heng speak to her that rudely. Secondly, as far as she was aware, the only class she had with Heng was back in high school. Lastly, she remembered that her high school never did win that title and she absolutely do not play basketball. The relationship between Freen and exercise is like water and oil. She pinched herself one last time, hoping that everything can be explained logically as a dream, she finally looked around her surroundings. She noticed her old wallet, homework, and school bag was on her desk. She opened her wallet and looked at her driver's license, bank card, and school ID. All of the cards contained her name "Freen Sarocha" and the correct birth date. The things that were different was the picture and the gender was now listed "M".

Did I travel back in time to my high school days? Why am I a boy? Or was I always a boy and didn't know? No, no, no, that's not right. I have went through high school. I was a girl. I mean I am a girl. I can't be a boy. I don't know how to be a boy. Keep looking. There must be some explanation to this. Closet.

She opened her closet, and it was filled with male clothes and a lot of sportswear.

See, this can't be me. I don't do sports. This must be someone else's closet, someone else's identification whose name is similar to mine.

As Freen thought about this, she knew deep down that she was just lying to herself. She was slowly coming to the conclusion that she somehow went back in time to her high school days as a boy. Freen spent the entire morning going through her old room and relearning herself. There were definite similarities between male Freen and female Freen, for example male Freen has the same organization structure as female Freen. The difference was that the stuff was distinctively male. By 2pm in the afternoon, Freen exhausted herself with her discoveries and thought she should go to school to find her besties and maybe make it to basketball practice.

Although it has been a while, she still remembered the route to her old high school. During her walk, she reminisces her memories of walking the same path when she was a girl. She noted the differences in her body versus male Freen. Male Freen was slightly taller, more muscular, and with broader shoulder. Secretly, she thought proudly that Male Freen was visually more attractive than Female Freen.

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