Chapter 4: Classmate

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The first week of boy Freen's experience was a revelation. There were some events that remain the same between boy Freen and woman Freen, for example, her mother was still a single parent who was a workaholic where Freen had pretty much raised herself. She never blamed her mother because she knew that her mother worked hard providing a living for her and loved her even though she was away for business majority of the time. Freen also have a part time job at McDonalds from Friday to Sunday, just to make some extra income and lessen her mother's burden.

On the following Monday, Freen was physically exhausted between basketball practice, her part time job, and walking back to that amber hair girl's condo building on the off chance that she could check up on the amber hair girl. Freen gave her a nick name as the amber hair girl but her hair is more dark brownish black. Freen was still worried about her and hoped she had reported to the police about the incident. She was sitting at her desk waiting for the morning class to begin when the amber hair girl walked in and sat at a desk next to Freen.  For the past week, Freen thought the desk next to her was a spare desk, not once did she imagine that the girl she was worried about was actually so close. 

Freen: "Good Morning! How are you! I didn't know we are classmates! I realized I don't know your name. My name is Freen, what is yours?" 

Amber hair girl looked at Freen and softly said "Good..Good morning."  Freen wanted to continue with the conversation but the teacher had just walked in. 

Teacher: "Good morning class! Hope you had a well rested weekend because this week will be a grueling week. Oh Ms. Armstrong! I see that you've finally decided to join us, you were away the entire last week. If you were sick, bring me a doctor's note or your parent's note otherwise you will have detention." 

"Yes sir" Amber hair replied. 

Armstrong. That is such an english name. No wonder her hair is different, I thought it was a dyed job at the hair salon. Wonder what is her first name? 

"Open your textbook to page 48" 

Freen did as the teacher instructed but couldn't help but be aware of her classmate next to her. Ms. Armstrong always did things one step slower than everyone else. It wasn't until Freen glanced at Ms. Armstrong's notes on the page did she realized that Ms. Armstrong's first language was English. Freen had assumed that Ms. Armstrong understood Thai and in each encounter she had with Ms. Armstrong, Freen had spoke in Thai. 

No wonder she always seemed to be staring and never answering my questions. She doesn't understand what I am saying. I feel stupid, I should have known since her features are more western than Thai. She has such a doll like feature. Definitely a beautiful woman when she grows up. 

"Hey, my name is Freen by the way and you are on the wrong page" Freen whispered in English. Freen could speak English fluently during her two year stint in America back in BFF era. 

Amber hair girl snapped her head to face Freen with her eyes widen in surprised and broke out in a huge smile. 

"What's your name?" 


"Hi Becky, nice to meet you again. Ah, here let me flip the page for you" 

For the rest of the class, Freen helped Becky with little things and Becky was more engaged in class having someone that spoke the same language as her. When it was time for lunch, Freen asked if Becky wanted to have lunch together which she happily nodded yes. 

"Finally! I am starving. Lunch could not have come sooner"

Becky smiled at Freen's exaggeration. 

"If you don't mind me asking, I've been dying to ask you... are you okay after..."

"Yes, I ... thank you again for coming to my rescue. I wasn't hurt of anything, just got a bit of a cold afterwards." 

"Did you report it to the police? If this is a language thing, I can come with you and place the report" 

"No. No. I rather not. They didn't hurt me and it was my fault to take that path anyways." 

"Are you kidding me! How is this your fault? Victims don't choose to be bullied!" 

"Please Freen, let's just drop it. I don't want to talk about that anymore. Let's pretend it never happened"

"Alright but if you ever want to talk about it. I'm here. I'm glad you're doing okay. So tell me, when did you transfer into our school? Are you mixed? How good is your Thai?" 

"Whoah, whoah. One question at a time. I joined your class last week, although I didn't see you on my first day. My mother is Thai and my father is British. My Thai is not that good, I'm still learning but it is so hard to pick up the language, everybody speaks so fast that I can't process the information. I get flustered easily and not confident at all speaking or writing in Thai. My first day was terrible, I understood like 10 percent of what was being said to me. I am so glad that you're here. Can...can we be friends?" Becky asked shyly. 

"Of course! I would be glad to be your friend. You might have noticed but I don't have anyone else to eat with at lunch." Freen replied sheepishly. 

"Friends" and they both shook hands. 

From that day on, Freen and Becky were inseparable at school and after school. In the morning, Freen would go early and walk by Becky's building so that they could go to school together. During school, they would eat together and study together. After school, Becky would even wait for Freen to finish basketball practice so that they could go home together. If they weren't different genders, Becky would have asked Freen to even accompany her to the washroom. Their behavior and habits to one another weren't unnoticed, many of their classmates were under the impression that they were a couple and would often glance in envy on their close relationship. Even though they had spent a lot of time together, there was still an unspoken boundary of skinship between friends and between a boy and a girl. Freen was very careful to never cross the boundary of friendship and always had to remind herself that everyone sees herself as a male even if she considers herself a female. 

Often times Freen would be tutoring Becky on Thai so that she could build her confidence and adapt to her life in Thailand. Becky is very reserve and often quietly observing everyone but when she is alone with Freen, she is more joyful and would speak her mind. Freen enjoyed being her special someone and watch Becky show her personality as they spend more time together. Freen learned that Becky has an older brother named Richie and that he is currently studying in a prestigious international school. Becky currently lives alone in a condo because it is closer to her high school but she goes back to visit her family on the weekend. It wasn't left unnoticed the stark preferential difference between Becky and her brother but Freen didn't comment. 

"Freen! Freen!" Kade shouted 

Becky and Freen were about to walk together after school when Kade ran up to them shouting Freen's name. When Kade caught up to them, she jumped and gave Freen a big hug and excitedly said, "Guess what! Guess! I got the role!" 

"You got the role! Congratulations! See I told you that you could do it! You're one step closer to your dream!" Freen said while holding Kade's hands. She was very happy for her friend Kade that she forgot that she was a teenage boy, as a spectator, Freen was very touchy with Kade and overly happy for Kade. 

Kade: "If you hadn't encouraged me, I don't think I would have the courage to go through another audition. So as a thank you, let me treat you to a meal! In fact are you free now? Come join us with Kade and Tee! Oh, sorry was I interrupting your date?" 

"Date? No! No, we are friends! Let's go! We are definitely free to eat!"  Freen answered without realizing how quiet Becky had gotten. 

"Great! Let me grab Tee and Jim" 

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