Chapter 18: Sisters

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Behind every exquisite thing that existed, there was something tragic ---oscar wilde

The Harry Potter marathon only lasted up to the third series where they call it a night and went to bed. 

"How should we sleep tonight? Should I sleep in the middle?" teased Irin. 

"No. I'll sleep in the middle." 

"What if I accidentally touch you? You can't sleep." 

"I'm better now. See?" Rebecca answers and puts her arm around Freen's waist. 

Irin's thoughts: You can touch Freen but not anyone else. Shoot, I shouldn't have joked about this. 

With that settled, the girls crawled into Rebecca's king size bed with Irin and Freen on the sides and Rebecca in the middle.  In the middle of the night, Rebecca wakes up in a cold sweat and decides to take a sleeping pill to calm her nerves and help her go back to sleep. She gets up the bed and takes her medicine to the kitchen for a glass of water. Freen being a light sleeper, gets woken up by Rebecca as she went out of the bedroom.

Freen's thoughts: Um? Where is Rebecca going?   

Freen sees Rebecca about to take a pill and stops her, "Don't keep relying on pills. Did you have a bad dream? Let's go out to the patio and get some air." She takes Rebecca by hand and pulls her next to her on the patio chair. 

"May I hold you?" Freen asked and Rebecca replied by leaning in to her arms. They sat on the patio in silence gazing at the night sky and listening to the sounds of city. After a while, Rebecca breaks her silence and said, "Can I tell you a story?"


"Once...once a upon a time, there was a girl born in a well off, a family that values sons over daughters.  She was always the spare, an afterthought raised by nannies and boarding schools. When she was sixteen, her family decided she should move to a school closer to the family. She was very excited to be finally closer to her family. She thought that things had changed and she was...welcomed back, but they thoughtfully put her in a place away from the family home, to be closer to her school. 

She didn't mind because at least she could see her family on the weekends instead of being another country. She...she was new to the school and couldn't make any new friends or speak Thai very well. One day she went home late after school and chose a shortcut. The stupid girl came across three wolves and the wolves chased her, held her down, and...played. The wolves ripped her uniform and made her drink. Fortunately the wolves scare easily because a police siren was heard nearby and they scattered, leaving her on the ground to pick herself up. She ran, ran so fast back home. When she was back behind locked doors, she washed herself until she was clean and didn't come out of her room until her mother broke down the door. 

Her mother... her mother slapped her and screamed at her for her stupidity, her recklessness, her...dirtiness. Her mother said that she regretted giving birth to a useless daughter and they sent her away the next day to another boarding school in another country. 

The end."

Freen was silent while she collected her thoughts, she knew that what she said next would put a lot of weight to Rebecca's self esteem and cause more harm than any physical wound. 

"What do you think about my story?" Rebecca whispered. 

"Your...Her mother is a bitch." Freen blurted. "Sorry, that just came out. I think...I think the girl is brave and strong for battling this tragedy. That it is not her fault for making a decision. The fault is on the wolves and no one should ever have to experience that. I think the world is cruel. I think that the girl shouldn't give up on herself no matter how dysfunctional the family is. How terrible and selfish her mother is not a reflection of her goodness, a reflection of her worth. Sometimes, life weathers people differently and you...she may need to walk away to survive. She deserves to have someone who show up and be loved by someone who looks at you and know that you are enough, that you are exquisite."

Freen thoughts: Damn, I am not good with my words. I just called her mother a bitch even thought she probably deserves harsher names than that. I understand now, Rebecca. I hope you let me be there for you. 

"Thank you for listening. It isn't a good story. The girl dealt with it. There were times where it was bad and she stumbled in red but... its better."

"I hope that this girl will have someone, a sister to help carry her pain. Someone like me, like us." Freen said. 

"I...I think she does." 

They left the remaining night in silence and sat together on the patio watching the sun rise.  



"What are you guys doing out there? I feel like I slept alone last night." Irin teased not knowing that Rebecca had unloaded a heavy burden off her shoulders. 

"We woke up early to catch the sun rise" replied Rebecca. 

"Aw, why didn't you wake me? I would have wanted to see too." 

"You were snoring like a bear. I was afraid to wake you!" laughed Freen. She gently lifted Rebecca and asked Irin, "Are you hungry? I'm good at making toast." 

"Can anyone be bad at making toast?" 

"You'll be surprised." 

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