Chaper 32: Having expectations

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 Never overestimate your value in other people's eyes

 but never underestimate the value of yourself.

Becky was so excited to see her father, after her experience with Ritchie, she couldn't control her high expectation that her reconnection with her father would be the same. They had agreed to meet at one of her father's restaurants where they could have a private room to themselves. Initially Freen suggested that Rebecca meet with her father by herself but Rebecca refused saying that she is proud of their relationship and wanted her father to see what a wonderful person Freen is. When Rebecca had put it that way, Freen couldn't refuse and agreed to take Rebecca to meet her father together.

Unbeknownst to all, Robert Armstrong had invited an extra guest as well, the son of one of his business partner—Nop. A handsome successful man who graduated from Harvard, a CEO and a board member for several of companies, and has won many business accolades. On paper, Nop was the ideal son-in-law who has looks, brains, wealth, and the social status that matched with the Armstrong name.

"Dad, sorry did you have to wait long? Freen is coming, she is just trying to find a parking spot." Rebecca said as she walked into the VIP room, "Oh! I thought it would be just us." She saw Nop sitting next to her father and asked her father quizzically.

"Rebecca, I want to introduce someone to you--this is Nop. He's a very accomplished young man. He's 33 years old, single and I invited him here so that you can get to know one another."

Nop spurted the water he was drinking, "Hm?" He was also unaware that he was being set up by his father on a blind date and was under the assumption that this lunch was a business meeting. He didn't say anything because he didn't want to be rude, and also because there was no way that he would be interested in Rebecca. He noticed that she is a very attractive woman, but he was just not into woman—he is gay and have a boyfriend that his family is completely unaware of.

"Father. I am not single. You know that I am with Freen. Why are you doing this?"

"Your mother told me, and I am very, very disappointed in you. You just haven't met the right man and I've selected one for you. Look at him. He is tall, rich, and smart. More importantly he has the right equipment to give you children. He can cure you."

"I am a lesbian...not a disease. You think what is between his legs is going to magically change me? What does he have? A magic wand between his legs?" Rebecca replied sarcastically and crudely.

"Rebecca! Don't be crude! The answer to your question is yes, woman loving woman is disgusting. You know, this is because of your mother, she is the one who sent you an all-girls boarding school. This is why you're like this..." Mr. Armstrong waved his hand like it was dirty and scoffed at Rebecca.

"Is this the only reason you wanted to meet me?"

"Yes! What else? Obviously, I don't condone what your mother did to you, but I agree with her, you're smearing our family name. No daughter of mine can be a lesbian!" He spat out that word as if it is a blasphemy. Mr. Armstrong continued with his tirade, "This is because of all those social media on ABCDLGBTHQ, whatever those acronyms are, they are messing up the younger generation. It is brainwashing people. If I was the prime minster, I would make all gay relationship illegal. Same sex marriage should never be allowed. What can a woman give you? She can't give you children! You will be shunned from our family, our society. You can't even get married! Wake the fuck up, Rebecca Patricia Armstrong" 

Rebecca didn't even have the energy to argue with her father anymore. She looked up at the ceiling trying to stop her tears from failing, she not only did not want to waste her breathe anymore, she also did not want to waste a single tear over her parents. She hated herself for having such high expectation to reconnect with her father, she should have known better. Her parents will never accept her.

When she finally opened her eyes, she calmly and coldly replied to her father, "Thank you for making this so easy." Rebecca spun on her heels and walked out of the room. She didn't go far because as soon as she rounded the corner, she ran into Freen who had overheard everything between Rebecca and her father.

"Wait! I'm not done talking to you!" Mr. Armstrong shouted across the room, "come back here! I demand you to come back Rebecca!"

Freen assessed the situation between Rebecca and her father and wordlessly opened her arms for Rebecca for comfort, but Rebecca simply shook her head in resignation. Rebecca grabbed her hand and walked out of the room, out of the restaurant. She left her father behind and symbolically left all her hopes and expectations she had regarding the people that gave birth to her.

When Rebecca didn't return, Mr. Armstrong looked at Nop to reassure him, "Don't worry Nop. I'll bring her around."

"Don't bother." Nop rudely got up and walked towards the door, "Your daughter is lovely the way she is, and I would not want to change her in anyway."

"Does that mean you're interested? Wait, where are you going?"

"I'm allergic to bigotry and ignorance." Nop replied, "Oh and one more thing, I am gay."

Mr. Armstrong's jaw dropped and was speechless.


"BB, I'm sorry it didn't work out the way you had hoped." Freen said as she hugged Rebecca from the back.

"Me too." Since they had walked out on Rebecca's father, Rebecca hadn't cried her heart out nor did she go into her numb robot state but rather seemed defeated. "I'm so stupid to think he would be different."

"No BB. Not stupid. You always believe the best in people. Don't apologize for being kindhearted."

Rebecca didn't respond and placed her hands above Freen's who was hugging her at her waist.

Freen's thoughts: I hate seeing you so hurt. I hate that they hurt you. At least Ritchie isn't like that. It was a good thing that I had came late, I was going to ask for his blessing—thank God I couldn't find a parking spot. It's just you and me babe.

"Ritchie messaged me earlier. He asked how the meeting went. What should I say?"

"Tell him...don't. Tell him...I want to talk to him in person. I should tell him in person what happened and let him decide if he wants to follow our parent's choice."

"I'm sorry."

"You're sorry? What for?"

"For making you choose. For causing this rift between your family. For you to go through all this pain just to be with me. For being a woman."

"No baby!" Rebecca immediately turned around and faced Freen, "You are never the cause. I have always had a difficult relationship with my family if we aren't fighting over this it would have been another thing. Meeting you and being with you is the single most happiest thing that has ever happened to me. I didn't know how lost I was until I met you."

Freen could see Rebecca's love in her eyes and feel the weight of her words, she leaned forward and kissed Rebecca tenderly on the lips pouring all her love into the kiss.

"Me too. I would be lost without you. I love you."

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