Chapter 13

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I suddenly felt the urge to pinch myself. I had to be dreaming. But deep down I knew I wasn't. My vision was not a tad bit blurry, and my surroundings were all too persistent to be fictitious.

I was in Black's home sitting on his couch as he spoke to me from his kitchen's bar. He held his mate in his lap, frowning in concentration. And his brother was doing the same. Silver. He held me tightly in his lap, as he concentrated to the words that Black spoke.

I guess this is what made me want to do a double take. I couldn't even comprehend what Black was saying, with the exhilarating touch and scent of my mate all over me. I was in a haze.

" Do you feel any pull towards her?" Peach, suddenly asked my mate, bringing me out of my mate's delicious aura.

I tried to bring myself back to the topic of our decision.

We'd immediately left the ball after I came face to face with my mate. We came to Black's house to discuss the abnormalities of my mate bond. We'd been talking for about fifthteen minutes and I'd already zoned out three times. But Peach's question directed towards Silver brought all of my attention to the matter at hand.

I strained to turn my head to look at my mate, anxious for his answer. But, his grip around my waist only tightened.

" Of course, I feel a pull towards her! Why else would she be in my lap!" Silver exclaimed. The anger in his voice was evident. But it was his anger that caused me to fume.

" If you feel a pull towards me then why didn't you take me to the Ball? " I asked him, my voice no lower than a whisper, but I knew that everyone had heard.

I felt Silver stiffen under me, and my frown only increased," I-I don't know." He answered, his voice full of guilt.

I shook my head, preparing myself to stand up, to get away from him. But as soon as I attempted to stand up, his arms continued to restraint me.

" Let me go." I demanded.

" No. You're mine!" He growled, his eyes shooting daggers at either Peach or Black.

My face fell blank as I realized what was going on, " Are- Are you jealous?" I asked Silver astonished.

He didn't answer me, still glaring at an annoyed Black.

I balled up my fist, finding my mate infuriating. " Silver." I said my voice cold and detached.

At the sound of his name coming from my lips, his angered filled hazel eyes softened as they met mine.

" How can you be the one who is jealous, when you were the one who brought another women to the ball." I paused be for adding,"And Black has a mate!"

He growled again," But you went to the Ball with him."

I slammed my eyes shut. " I went with him, because you didn't take me! At first I thought that you hadn't asked me because of Black. But I've mastered my abilities now! I now have the strength to survive through any battles And I even know how to control the moon goddess! So where the HECK have you been?!" I was now screaming at him, as I heard Peach suck in a nervous breath. But Silver only reverted his eyes back to Black, clearly uninterested in what I'd said.

Despite what I'd said about being able to control my wolf, the moon goddess, I felt her resurface. But I guess I wanted her to.

My mate was supposed to calm me down, not bring me anger. I sat engulfed in his scent and his touch, and I could only give way to the moon goddess, as she took control.

" Silver, she's losing control! You need to stop thinking about yourself and calm her down! Her anger is no match to yours!" I heard Black shout, from a distance. He must have been taking Peach up stairs, away from me.

Silver's eyes snapped back to my own once again, as I sat in his lap trembling with anger. I glared at him, furiously, well let's just say she glared at him. By this time, I'd lost it.

His eyes averted to my lips, and my breath hitched. I watched, my heart escalating, as he leaned in for the kiss. The closer his lips came towards mine, his intoxicating scent grew stronger. Eventually, I, too, felt myself leaning, in reaction to Silver's actions.

But I wasn't leaning forward, no the moon goddess, was not fazed by the thought of kissing our mate. I felt myself lean backwards, slipping out of Silver's grip and she smiled. She pushed him farther away from us, and his arms moved away from us, trying to protect himself from falling on Black's hard wood floor. His hands failed him.

After this action, she brought our feet to the ground, taking two steps away from our mate sprawled on the ground.

" Why did you bring another girl to the ball?" She asked him, her voice booming throughout the whole house, causing a few papers to fly and a few curtains to move.

Silver stared up at us terrified, as he tried to squirm away from us, unsuccessfully.

" Why?!" She repeated herself, this time with much more force.

Silver cleared his throat, looking at the ground, as if he were ashamed.

" Look at me, when I'm talking to you!" she shouted.

" Be-Because I L-L-Love her." He muttered, still looking at the ground.

And without a single moments of hesitation, the moon goddess lunged for our mate, shifting in mid air, ready to inflict pain.


I sat trembling in my bed, as I continuously thought about my mate. The moon goddess, probably gave him two black eyes and a swollen lip, but I didn't stay behind to see her after math. Because, as soon as I gained back my control, I fled the scene. I didn't want anything to do with my mate.

There was without a doubt something wrong with my mate bond. How could he still love someone else, after meeting me. How could he be the one who was jealous? How can he be the one who's possessive? How could I belong to him if he belonged to someone else?

And why couldn't I be the one who he loved? So many restless nights were dedicated to the thought of a mate, the thought of him. And now those thoughts could not be undone.

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