Chapter 6

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*Beep* Beep*Beep*Beep*

I moaned, hitting the snooze button on my alarm clock. "Just five more minutes" I reasoned to myself. But just like any other time, those short five minutes turned into sixty minutes, real soon.

I quickly got myself out of the bed, knowing that I'd most likely be late for school. I took a quick shower. Got dressed in the first thing I could find that matched, blue sweat pants, a white shirt, and some white and blue Nikes.

On my way out the door I grabbed an apple off the kitchen table and put my book bag onto my back, my purse already in my hand. I then ran to school, like I usually did when I over slept, since my school was only a mile away.

As soon as I stepped foot in my 1st period classroom, the bell rang. I looked up to see my teacher not sitting at her desk. Thank goodness. I slowly walked to my desk, still breathing hard, after running.

After ten minutes of waiting patiently for my health teacher, I started daydreaming. I found myself thinking about some tall muscular dude, who I couldn't stop thinking about.

But why? And that's when I remember my dream from last night. It was of Black.

Ever since my encounter with him, I had dreams about what happened there, every single night. Its currently been three weeks, since the day I was kidnapped, but this is what scared me the most.

He told me that I had a month to return to him and to come to my senses. And now that three weeks had past, I only had one more week left.

I even remember that night, after he had Pink take me back to my house. When I walked in, the house was completely spotless, as if no one had broken in at all.

They must have came back to fix things before I came home. Both of my parents got home from work about an hour after I did.

When they found me sitting on the stairs, their faces both showed concern. I told them everything that had happened that night, but they didn't believe me. They thought that I just needed rest.

After that I tried to tell Amaya and Michelle, but they were only half way listening because they were too busy thinking about and texting their mates. Ever since the night of the ball, everything had changed.

"Isa?" my teacher who finally deiced to show up called my name.

"Here!" I shouted, realizing that she was just taking role.


"Ding dong, ding dong.... Ding dong ding dong!...........Ding dong ,ding dong.... Ding dong din-" I quickly opened the front door, becoming aggravated by hearing the door bell ring. Today was my birthday. In fact, it was really just my shiftday.

It wasn't as important, as the day that I had been born on, but indeed showed significance. Just like a birthday, once a year, one celebrated the first day he or she shifted into their wolf form.

I had almost forgotten with all of the other stuff going on. But eventually I decided that I wanted to hang out with my closet and best friends, excluding all boys and drama.

"How can I help you," I said automatically, as I opened the door. But that was of course until I met the eyes of the visitor.

It was Sam.

Ugghh what was he doing here, I couldn't wrap my head around it. Today was the one day, the one chance, that I got to have without hearing about or seeing Amaya and Michelle's mates. I guess that just wasn't going to happen.

" Ooh, hi Izzy, I wasn't expecting to see you here" he said hesitantly.

"What do you mean, this is 'my' house, and by the way my names Isa, not Izzy." I said with annoyance, but with a smile pasted on my face.

Sam scratched the back of his head, "Oh, right" he said with a nervous smirk, " I was just coming over here for Michelle."

I sighed, "Sam, its twelve o'clock at night, whatever it is can't it just wait until the morning, besides, Michelle is in the bathroom,"

" SAMMMMM!!!!" I heard Michelle squeal behind me. Great, Michelle, perfect timing. I turned around to face her, but I had to take a double take. Last time I checked she was in footie pajamas, but now, she wore six inch, black heels with blue jean booty shorts, and I black tank top. Her hair was all of a sudden flat ironed and she wore sun glasses over her make- up that was put on heavy. Whoever this girl was, she wasn't the sweet, innocent girl I saw I called Michelle. I guess that's why she took so long in the bath room.

Michelle then ran up to Sam wrapping her arms around his neck, and her legs around his waist. "I haven't seen you in forever" they both said in unison.

Was it me? Or didn't he just drop her off, four hours ago? I felt myself frown.

"What's going on" I asked them.

Michelle rolled her eyes, still smiling. "Today is the day that Sam and I complete our mating bond. Aren't you excited for us?" She asked me with questioning eyes.

I wrinkled up my nose. I honestly did not need to know that. Who was this person and what did she do to my best friend. The Michelle I knew loved her black converse and sweatpants, not her 6 inch heels and booty shorts.

"Wait, what!!, Today is my shiftday, I can't believe that you-" I began, until I heard a loud thud upstairs.

I quickly ran to where I heard the source of the sound, it was in my room, when I got there the window was cracked open, and everything else was in its place except for a note placed on my bed. I swiftly picked up the note and began reading.

"Dear Isa,

First of all, happy shiftday once again. But let's get straight to the point. Two weeks ago Theo asked if I wanted to go to Beyonce's concert on November the 15th, And what do you know, today is November the 15th. Look I wasn't gonna not show up for your shiftday, but you have to admit it was kind of short noticed. I hadn't planned on going to the concert and to your sleepover tonight, but then Theo showed up on your window sill and we'll you know how it is. You just can't say no to your mate....wait that's right you don't know.... but you will eventually , ooo well . See you soon,

Thanks for understanding,


After swiftly crumbling up the note, I felt myself tear up, not in sadness, but in anger. I'm pretty sure, Amaya knew about my shiftday, for I don't know 5 years now, how was it short noticed. We always hung out with each other on our shiftdays. The three of us knew that a shiftday wasn't important enough to through a party for, so it had become our ritual to have a sleepover, just the three of us, on the night's of our shiftdays. It was important to us, if not anyone else. Well at least it was important to me.

Now I know that when you meet your mate your mindset changes, but this ...right here.... Is unacceptable. For both Michelle and Amaya. They were taking me for granted. How could this be-?

The sound of my front door, slamming, brought me out of my thoughts. It was probably Michelle and Sam leaving. I slowly made my way down stairs just do double check. When I looked up at the door, I was astonished. I mean yeah, Michelle and Sam had left, but someone else had come.

" It's been a month, darling, and your now of age for your destiny, so what's it going to be?"

I gulped, terrified. I would now that voice anywhere.

It was Black.

Authors note:
Hey guys I hoped you enjoyed this chapter!! Picture of Michelle's outfit is on the side.

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