Chapter 1

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High school? No more like prison cell. I couldn't wait to get out of this place.

My situation at school wasn't any better than my situation in the pack. I mean I did my work, and had the straight A thing going on. However, once again, I felt like I didn't exist.

Wait let me rephrase that I wasn't that girl with absolutely no friends. Instead I felt as if I were surrounded by millions of people, but yet I still felt all alone.

But I least I had two absolute friends. There was Michelle, who was just like me, she took pride in her nerdiness. And then Amaya who was the girl on top of the 'food chain' she was a make up artist. However it was almost as if she wore a mask at school. Underneath all of the cockiness and 'perfection' was one of the wisest and funniest girl ever.

Both of them were a part of the pack. Well, just about everyone who went to our school was apart of the pack. The school was practically built in the dead center of our pack territory.


I ran into the school building, occasionally saying sorry and excuse me to the people who I had bumped into.

I was both ecstatic and out of breath by the time I made it to Michelle's locker.

" Happy..." I said, trying to catch my breath, looking at an amused Michelle.

" Happy Birthday" I said, finally managing.

She laughed, " Thank you".

" No problem. So was I first to say it? Well after your parents of course." I asked her giving her a hug before opening my locker beside hers.

"Yes", she said still smiling, rolling her eyes." I don't know why you make such a big deal out of that."

I simply gave her a wide grin, before I changed the subject, "So, are you ready for your celebration?" I asked her saying celebration with an accent.

Every four months the pack hosted the Mates Ball for the teenagers ages sixteen to around twenty-five giving them all a chance to find their mate. And since Michelle just turned sixteen, she was old enough to now find her mate. Amaya turned sixteen two months ago so she could too. Then there was me, now seventeen years old, and yes you named it 'mateless'.

Michelle shook her head

" okay no. have you somehow managed to forget about how this celebration is for all of us"

I shrugged "But it's your birthday."

She smiled, "Whatever, come on lets get to class before we're too late," She nudged my shoulder, then turned around to head to our AP classroom.


" I'm back!!!" Amaya sang as I opened the door to my bedroom, Michelle following after her when she walked in. Michelle rode with me to my house after school let out. So she answered the door for me, inviting in Amaya, since I had to use the restroom.

" Where have you been?" I asked, as Michelle, walked towards my bed, while I gave Amaya a bear hug.

" Yeah, didn't see you all day at school. Did you even go?" Michelle asked her. It was highly unusual to not see Amaya at school. She was always the center of attention. But away from her crew, she was just Amaya our best friend, thank goodness.

"Oh yeah, I was there. I just had I.S.S." She said quickly waving her hand to show that it was nothing serious.

Michelle and I both looked at each other and shrugged.

"OK, so we only have 3 hours before showtime" Amaya huffed.

I nodded my head in agreement.

" Since it's my job to pick out the dresses. I bought something that would make all of us stand out" I said rushing to my closet to get the dresses.

It was always my turn to buy the dresses. I left the hair and make up to Amaya and Michelle. I laid all three dresses on the bed.

One of the dresses was a rich purple, and almost strapless. I beautiful belt-like pattern was designed just above the waistline. The dress definitely didn't need ironing, since it was long and wavy; and it almost resembled a purple waterfall. I picked it out for Michelle because it would give her an elegant, classy look.

The next was a hot pink high-low type dress, with a few rhinestones placed unevenly at the top. It was strapless and long, but not as long as Michelle's. This was, of course, for Amaya. She brought the life to the party.

And the last was of course for me. I decided on something very sparkle at the top and gold and puffy at the bottom. Uh..nothing too special. After all this wasn't my first time going to the ball like it was for Amaya and Michelle, it was my second.

" Oh my gosh..." Is all Amaya said with her hands covered over her mouth.

"You've out done yourself" Michelle said not taking her eyes off her purple dress, smirking.

I felt a huge grin appear on my face.


After the three of us took quick showers, Amaya and Michelle did their magic.

Amaya did her make up heavy, making Michelle's light as well as mine.

Michelle put her hair in a cute bun straightening Amaya's, and then straightening mine with a few curls.

By the time we were done it was 7:30.

Amaya laughed at this, already liking the idea of being fashionably late by 30 minutes.

"Alright, I'll drive" I volunteered being the first one of us too stop staring at our reflection in my bathroom mirror.

"Ok" Michelle said being the second to look away.

We started to walk towards the doorway, when we noticed Amaya still staring at the mirror.

We both laughed at her, Michelle walked over to Amaya, then dragged her away from the mirror.

"Sorry " Amaya said blushing.

We then walked out of the room heading downstairs. My parents weren't here to see us leave.

My mom was away at some important business trip. And my dad was sent to the Alpha's house for some important reason. I wasn't fazed by this, since my parents usually weren't home. They lived the lives of businessmen, and women. As soon as I was old enough to take care of myself, there role as parents in my life lessened periodically.

So I simply picked up the keys to my mom's car from off of the counter. I took a glance in the mirror placed right above it, before turning around to look at the girls.

They both looked back at me, with excitement, fear, and faith in their eyes.

I smiled nervously," Let's go find our mates"


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p.s. sorry for the typos and the pictures off the girls dresses are on the side.

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