New Story Alert

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Hey everyone! I hope you all enjoyed We Are Werewolves! And thank you all so much for reading, voting, commenting and adding it to your reading lists!! It all means so much! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

As you can probably guess by the title, I do plan on letting you all know about a new book that I recently published on Wattpad. And I am so excited to share it with you all.

The book is called Black Ink. And it's fantasy fiction about another black female protagonist. I hope you'll like it!

Here's a quick intro:

You know those voices that tell you that you can do anything in this world.
The ones that tell you that you can accomplish anything, if you just put your mind to it.
Those voices that make you want to fulfill whatever your purpose may be on this planet
Yeah, well, it's my job to silence those voices.
I am to make sure those voices are nothing but small whispers.
I am here to discourage you.
To dishearten you
To disable you.
I am your temptation


Avelynn Crimson is a young slave in the Underworld. This makes her a gentry; and, her role as a gentry is to be a fighter. She fights using the weapon of black ink in order to enter the realm of human minds and get them to submit to the power of temptation, silencing all voices of hopes and aspirations. Slaves are pretty much immortal, except when entering the battlefield within a human's mind, a human's safe haven. But what happens, when Avelynn is wounded on the battlefield and almost meets death squarely in the face? How does she return to the Underworld completely unharmed? Why does Hades suddenly want to see her? And how many consequences must she face for that one incident on the battlefield?

And that's it! I really hope that you all find it interesting, please go to my page to check it out. The first five chapters are up today!!

Thank you all so much again for all of your support!!

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