Chapter 17

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"Sparring day. Yayy!"I thought sarcastically.

Yeah, no. I'd always dreaded sparring with my warriors, not because I was fearful of hurting them. I simply didn't like the idea of practice fighting, I only wanted to fight when the time called. But of course, during my first training days, Black could have cared less whether I wanted to spar or not so I'd fought with him numerous times. And at first, he'd was able to knock me out with a single punch. But eventually, with the strength of the moon goddess, I'd grown to surmount Black's abilities. And if I was better than Black then I was better than everyone. At least that's what he'd told me. So, he became my permanent sparring partner.

Well that was until this day.

I'd walked until the sparing room, stepping unto the mat cautiously. Something felt wrong; something was off.

I slowly turned and I watched as Black sparred with Forest and frowned. Black was kicking his butt, precisely why he was my partner.

Looking past them I saw Maroon giving me a wary smile. Storming past Forest and Black and other warriors as they sparred, I headed to Maroon.

Maroon was the head of the Sparring Committee, and if anyone knew why Black was sparring with Forest instead of me it would be Maroon.

"What the heck is going on!" I shouted, only worried for Forest's safety.

" He'll be fine, the harder his partner is the better Forest will do on the battle field." I heard the moon goddess whisper to me.

I knew she was right.

" Forest needs to improve in his sparring and so do you." Maroon said, his voice shaky. He wasn't looking me in my eyes instead, he stared down at his clipboard, clicking his pin rapidly.

I was making him uncomfortable. I was making him nervous.

" How can I improve without Black." I said, lowering my voice for Maroon's sake.

" You won't improve physically, but you can improve emotionally." Maroon muttered, slowly bringing his eyes up to meet my own.

Then I smelt him, and the moon goddess went crazy. He was right behind us.

" Hey, Isa." He said, my name running off of his tongue naturally, creating goose bumps on my skin.

" Y-you want me to spar with him?" I asked Maroon, failing to turn around and face my mate.

" Yep," Peach said, walking towards us from the mats. Violet, her partner, trialed her. " We need to see how you fight when your emotions are heightened." She said grabbing two water bottles, throwing one to a tired looking Violet.

" Yeah and it looks like there's a spot open on a mat, we better hurry," Sliver said from behind me, and I could hear him walking towards the mats.

I frowned," The moon goddess was bound to give me a headache during this sparring match." I thought. But despite this I followed my mate.

Almost as if timed, everyone stopped there fighting and they all circled around us.

Probably Maroon's orders.

Silver faced me, and I gasped as I saw his angelic face. How could I destroy it?

We both got into position and Maroon shouted start. I felt myself go numb as the moon goddess took control.

So this is where I stayed, in the back of my mind. I felt as if I'd been shoved in a corner. I had no idea that the moon goddess, could take control in the way that she did. I was astonished and powerless.

"Is this how she always felt?" I asked myself before answered my own question.

No, she'd stayed in the corner of our mind powerless, only until she thought it was the right time to take full control.

And she certainly did take full control. Other times, when I'd lost my control I'd still be able to see and hear what was going on around me. But this time was exceptional. I could only feel.

I felt as random punches were thrown at my stomach and back. I felt as I sometimes fell on my knees and I felt I got back up. I even felt as my stomach dropped at the fact that my mate was responsible for the pains.

But suddenly the feelings. Eventually they came back along with my other senses. I then heard the moon goddess as she shrunk back into her whole.

" Your welcome." She said, and then she was gone.

I stared down at a smiling Silver on the floor. He wasn't bruised badly, but it was clear that the moon goddess let her anger out on him. And because of her I felt as if a weight had been lifted off of my shoulder.

I held out a hand for him, and I heard people applaud, and I specifically felt Pink cheer like a mad women from behind me.

Silver took hold of my hand, and I tried my best to lift him off the ground. I was successful.

" Great job." Silver said, looking down at me, after he was on his feet. As he spoke to me, I felt as if it was just him and I, no one else. " So what are you doing after this?"

I felt my breath hitch in my throat, " Umm, I'm going to visit my parents. I need to straighten things out with them." I said looking down at the thought of them.

" Well, let me go with you. You shouldn't have to do that alone." Silver insisted.

And before I knew it, I'd said yes and we were both heading towards the showers.

The moon goddess howled with excitement.


As we walked towards my parent's hotel, Silver and I tried to make small talk, emphasis on tried.

" So they just left. And on your shiftday?!" Silver asked me, his voice sounding as if he were ready to kill.

I frowned, nodding my head. " Yeah, I haven't seen them since. But I do think Theo, Amaya's mate, was in the battle with The Cunning Pack." I said, as Silver held the door open for me to walk into the hotel.

Once we were in, I noticed something that I had not before, his fist were clenched. Was it something that I'd said?

" Mr. and Mrs. Crest?" I asked the lady behind the front desk.

" Room 34. Take a right, keep straight and the room should be on your left." She said kindly.

I wasn't at all surprised that she'd given me their room number so easily. Although the city was large, the way in which everyone knew each other was similar to that of a pack's. However, while there
was no bowing in respect to anyone, there was the staring and the glaring that I got.  In reality, the only thing that one could actually lead in our city was a battle, and that was my job.

" So your last name's Crest? " Silver asked me, as we turned down the right hall.

I nodded.

" Umm." He said," Isabelle Crest. That's a lovely name." He said, boldly.

No one called me that name, nor did I like for anyone to call me that name. But , when I heard my full name escape from his lips. I felt a shiver run down my spine. I was actually debating whether or not to lunge for him, and drown him in kisses. But I was then greeted by another shiver. This man was not mine. But I was his?

" Silver, if you love someone else, if you love Mackenzie, why don't you just reject me," I blurted out, unconsciously.

I could even feel the moon goddess squirm at the thought of rejection. But Silver continued to walk as if he were not bothered by me question.

" I refuse to reject you because your my mate, Isabelle. You're all that I get. Your mine." He said, his voice low in possessive, as we came to a stop in front of my folk's hotel room. He knocked on the door cautiously, his eyes never once making contact with my own.

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