Chapter 14

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The next morning, as I laid in bed, I felt several tiny kisses on my neck. I felt the tug of teeth on my sensitive neck spot. The kissing and nipping never came to a stop, causing me to moan. I leaned in closer to the source of the biting and I smelt a delicious scent, cinnamon and vanilla, Cinilla.

In my mind, the moon goddess growled in pleasure. I snuggled up closer to whoever had mistaken my neck for a cake, and I felt a rock solid chest.

This immediately brought me out of the intoxicating haze, as the moon goddess hissed at however the person was.

" mate" she said in my mind.

" Mate" I said aloud, echoing her.

I quickly jumped out of the bed ready to pounce on a dismantled Silver. He stared at me just as he did last night, as if I were a monster.

He held his hands up in surrender, before he spoke, " Please don't get upset."

" To late. " I hissed again, "Get out of my room. "

Silver only shook his head fiercely, while the rest of his body trembled. " I need to be here with you, my wolf, my wolf he's angry with me for being the cause of your outrage." he said.

But, I only frowned; I closed my eyes, inhaling and exhaling slowly. The moon goddess would not make an appearance today.

" Your wolf?" I repeated him, venomously. " Your wolf, brought you here? I questioned him."

He nodded "Yes. He wanted to apologize for the way that I'd acted, he took control, and he saw your neck unmarked, and we'll... But he didn't get to finish."

I balled up my fist. " So it was all your wolf? Right? " I asked him, fuming.

"yes. " he said weakly not able to sense my rage.

" So if it wasn't for your wolf, you really wouldn't be standing in my room right now?! You wouldn't have come to apologize?" I paused, my anger slowly starting to disappear, as realization sunk in "If it wasn't for your wolf, you wouldn't feel any connection towards me?" I said lowly, sadness evident in my voice.

Silver's eyes widened, as I spoke. He jumped over to me, trapping me in his arms, bring the moon goddess and I pleasure. I stood still surrounded by my mates scent and I let out a tiny sob.

" I love you" he said, but his voice had changed, it sounded different, and I knew that it didn't belong to him. It belonged to his wolf.

" I love you too, "the moon goddess and I said aloud.


"It must have something to do with the fact that you're the moon goddess. ", Black said, as I sat in his office.

"No shish, Sherlock ." I muttered to him sarcastically.

He only glared at me from behind his desk, and I sighed with guilt.

" I'm sorry, Black. But how would you feel if your mate gave her heart to someone else leaving you with only half of her, her wolf." I said looking at the floor, elbows on knees, and hands in hair.

Black nodded, standing up from his desk chair to squat down in front of me. " Hey it's going to be alright, " He said.

I looked to meet his piercing black eyes and I froze, since when were his eyes black. A werewolf's eyes were only black when... When... The wolf had taken control.

I raised a brow at him, before Forest barged into his office in a panic.

" Black we've got trouble." Forest said, with Maroon right on his tail.

" We've got an attack from the pack just north of our border!" Maroon stated his voice panicked.

Black and I both got to our feet, as I turned to face the two in panick. The northern pack? Now that was my pack, my old pack. What could they possibly want?

" You!" the moon goddess shouted in my head, giving me a temporary headache.

I looked up at Black waiting for instructions, put everyone's eyes were on me. But why? Black was the warrior general, not me

" Isa, since you are the Moon Goddess, you will lead us in battle. You will make sure all of the village people are safe from harms way. Your in charge." Black said, his voice cold as stone. He was serious.

I felt myself start to panic, but the moon goddess didn't. She was ready for the challenge.

" OK, Maroon I want you to make sure every single non warrior werewolf is save and secure in the safe house, once that is done you will join the Warriors and I on the field, where we've been attacked. " I said boldly feeding of off the moon goddess's confidence. I turned to Forest, " Forest you will gather all of the warriors and follow me to the battle field.. We will not be defeated today. Black. Let's go." I said my voice just as cold as Black's.

I was the first to walk out of his office., not caring if the others were following. Because, I knew they were.

Gone were my dismantled thoughts about my mate. They were pushed a way temporarily. The sudden need to protect my werewolf city was the only emotion that ran through my veins.

I frowned slightly, as I walked. Someone I loved was going to die that day. Whether it was a member of my old pack or of my werewolf city. Someone was going to die.

Authors Note :

Let my just assure you guys that this is not the climax of my book. It's not coming to an end. I have so much more in store for you guys Enjoy!

We Are Werewolvesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें