Chapter 5

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He was about six feet tall, with a perfect muscular body, and his eyes were narrow and intimidating. And he was heading my way.... Wait, you know what, scratch that he was heading towards the balcony.

"Get up" was all he said not even stopping to make eye contact. His voice however was filled with a great aspect of authority and power, so I got up without resistance. I followed him out onto the balcony, where he stopped to rest his hands on the railing. I stood right behind him refusing to move another step.

" Come closer" he said, gesturing to the spot beside him.

I was hesitant to move, but I did so anyway... there was something about him that screamed superiority... but judging by his looks this guy was just about my age if not slightly older.

" Look at the view and tell me what you see", he said keeping the same even tone he had spoken with ever since he dismissed Forest from the room.

I did as he... asked me and what I saw was phenomenal. It was probably around midnight, because the sky was pitch black. Well it was almost pitch black. Below the balcony I saw lights, cars, people... actually no ... judging by their scents they were werewolves, I saw thousands of buildings some big some small, some made out of glass, others made out of stone.. it was amazing.. it looked like a werewolf city.

" Wow" I said, the first word I spoke, wow.

" Yes indeed, she is glorious isn't she .." Black replied

I simply continued to take it all in. This perfect view was being displayed in front of me, " What is this and why am I here?" I asked, turning to look at him.

" It's a lot to explain, my darling, but I'll give you a brief summary." He paused, still looking at the view, " Hundreds and hundreds of years ago, the first werewolf was born. The werewolf had to learn how to survive and live life on its own. Werewolves had to learn all of the basics to living as a wolf. But that term wolf. It's the reason for so much deception. To begin with werewolves were all individual, we could survive without a pack.. in fact werewolves were never meant to have packs. Werewolves could either live equally with family and friends in Werewolf Kingdoms, or live a life solo. However, just like the human, the werewolf continued to develop more and more as the years went on. And customs got mixed up, new inventions were created and the werewolf evolved. Somehow word got out that werewolves needed packs and leaders to go with them, like actually wolfs did. And that's where the term Alpha came from. But I don't if you noticed, but last time I checked we are werewolves not just wolves. And this is my werewolf kingdom." He said and finally looked up at me making eye contact.

" You said my.. I thought that in a werewolf kingdom, your suppose to live equally?" I questioned him, but he didn't mind the challenge, because he laughed at me straight in my face.

" Its really sad that you don't know who you are ... it tickles me......sweetheart like I said this is MY werewolf kingdom.. ... in fact it's everyone's kingdom who lives in this building... but we aren't Alpha's we're simple a protection policy, an army, werewolf warriors, whatever you wanna call it, but am the General so to speak." He said smirking at me cockily.

" So that's why I'm here.... so that you can recruit me for your stupid army... I got hit it a bat for this?? You guys are sick," I said turning to leave the balcony, but Black had already beat me to it. I blocked me from leaving.

He shook his head, " I did not recruit you , this is your home you belong here.. and no my dearling you are not a warrior.. and you're not the wolf that your pack mislead you to be. Your destiny is greater...ever heard of the moon goddess?" he asked with pleading eyes, this shocked me... was he really begging me.

But I rolled my eyes, "yeah I've heard of the moon goddess, how she supposedly is the God of werewolves and blah, blah, blah she isn't real.... Because werewolves all know the truth... that God is our creator regardless."

He then smiled at me intensely, " Your right my love, except the part about the moon goddess not being real. Your right, however, about the part, how the moon goddess isn't the creator of the werewolves because she's not. However as a said the werewolf is not meant to be out shadowed by an Alpha... However someone has to lead these werewolves into correction, someone has to persuade them that this way is the right way, someone has to fight... because not everyone is going to be persuaded and there will be a war. Someone has to change. And that someone is the moon goddess.... And that moon goddess is you....."

I rolled my eyes at him once again, annoyed. Was he serious?



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