Chapter 10

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* Still Christmas Time*

He held me tightly, his chin rested perfectly on the top of my head, as we both stood on my balcony looking out as the Werewolf City came to life at night,with tons and tons of Christmas decorations everywhere.

Wherever he touched me, I felt sparks. I smiled in happiness. I couldn't imagine anything better than this. I loved the mate bond that we shared together.

"I'm so glad Black was wrong about you bringing another girl to that party" I said admittedly to him.

His strong arms tightened their grip on my waist. And then he spoke " WAKE THE HECK UP!!!"

My eyes widen in shock, if I didn't know any better that voice be longed to no other than....


I opened my eyes, as I slowly sat up in my bed. It was all a dream.

When I looked to my right, towards my balcony I found the one and only Indigo with a devious smirk on her face. Beside her sat Pink, who wore an apologetic smile on her face.

I frowned at both of them."What are you two doing in my room! Can I get a little privacy?! I'm already too busy as it is." I lied, trying my best to get them to leave.

Indigo rolled her eyes," Please it's Saturday, I doubt we're doing any harm to you and your precious schedule. Besides judging by the way you were dreaming about "Prince Charming, I'd say your not as busy as you think you are."

I scolded at her on the outside. But I was blushing on the inside. Was I talking in my sleep?

"We came so we can all go shopping for the City's anniversary party." Pink perked up, her eyes wide with excitement.

I turned to Indigo," You woke me up, to go shopping?Doesn't sound like you."

Indigo nodded," Yeah it doesn't. But I only agreed to do this, because I get to insult you. Were going to give you a make over. Because offense intended, your just not party material. Now go get dressed so that we can go already."

I smiled at her in disbelief," not party material. Just admit it your warming up to me. And want me to look my best for the party, like any other friend would. You don't believe her right Pink?"

I looked over at Pink, to find her scratching her head looking down sheepishly trying not to make eye contact. The smile I wore instantly slipped of my face.

"Is it me or do you guys here crickets too" Indigo said looking around sarcastically.

I threw a pillow at both of them," I am most definitely party material," I said defending myself.

They both laughed, "Just go get ready, so we can leave." Pink squealed.

I rolled my eyes, " Fine but you guys need to get out of my room while I'm taking my shower. Pink your room is right across the hall why don't you guys go there and wait."

Indigo laid down in my bed, making herself comfortable. " Nahh I'm good, you can't get rid of us that easily."

"Uggh," I moaned getting up out of the bed. However, before I walked to my bathroom, I slapped Indigo hard in the face, "That's for calling my "ugly" and for slapping me before." Indigo scolded at me getting ready to slap or punch me back, but I was already gone, walking into my bathroom.


When I walked back out of the bathroom, I wore black jeggings and a cute white T-shirt that said Aero on it. I took a look at my bed and saw Pink and Indigo laying on it, except for underneath them it looked like my bed was made up. Courtesy of Pink I supposed.

"I'm finished" I sighed walking over to them.

Indigo sat up, "Finally!"

I shrugged at her response as Pink sat up too, "So where are we going shopping at, you know the city only has one mall." I said pulling on my black and white converse.

Pink sighed nervously, but Indigo simply smirked," Who said we were going shopping here." She replyed.

I widen my eyes"We're going to leave the Werewolf City aren't we?"


Sorry if its short, sorry about the typos. Sorry if its not good. I just really wanted to say thanks to all my readers. Before I posted Chapter nine, my book had 661 views and now I have 1.25k views. THANKS SO MUCH!!

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