Hyuka: Do he/she know you love/like  him/her?

Kook looks at Hyuka and shakes his head 

Kook: He doesn't know.....  I didn't confessed yet..... It's a secret crush....

Jungkook said being flustered just by thinking of confessing his feelings to his so called SeCrEt CrUsH.....

Solar: So, It's a He huh...?...

Solar teased the already flustered by making him more red. Tae is not liking the conversation between the certain group. He tried to avoid it but again he ended up listening to them

Hyuka: Tell us who is it hyung .. Is he handsome? is he cute? Is he your type what you were talking about

Kook: Yes he is so so so so so much handsome and so so cute, He is good looking, hot, sexy, He is  so gorgeous and adorable, His style is elegant, He is so kind, lovely, he is soft and grntle towards everyone, He is so much pure to be human, he is so friendly everything is so so so good in him bu he sometimes is very much........ S-scary 

Kook whispers the word Scary while shivering as Kook ended up imagining his secret angry  Crush....

Whole group laugh at his words...... They just adore this little baby so much. They never thought that Their little cute childish friend can ever be like this : head over heels for some one. They were just so amazed to see head over heels side of their childish friend. They were just happy for him.but their childish friend(kook) couldn't understand it.

Kook: I didn't said some Jokes tho....

Kook looks around looking at his friends and blinks 2 times confused. He pouts angrily yet looking so cute like a little baby, when he understands that they are making fun of him

Solar: Ok guys stop laughing..... our cute friend is sad sad

Solar starts laughing even more and kook left from there saying that he will complain it to his "Tae Hyungi " that 'they are making fun of his Kookie.'

Tae also left from there.

Flash Back Ends

Tae gets up and left to washroom as soon as he felt that Kook has fallen asleep. He slowly slides himself away from HIS KOOKIE and enter in washroom not even minding to lock the door....

 He is feeling hurt that his Kookie has CRUSH on someone else who is not him but someone who is handsome,....... cute............ hot......... sexy.......... and don't know what else.........

 Isn't he handsome enough to be noticed by his(tae) own husband?........

 Isn't he Hot & attractive to get attracted by his own husband?

 Isn't he Good looking as said by HIS kookie? Isn't he enough to love his husband? 

Does HIS  husband, HIS KOOKIE even know that he(Tae) loves him(Kook) so much? 

Tae stares at his own reflection and splash a handfull of water in his own face.  He again stares at His  reflection for some more minutes and chuckles at himself. What is he even thinking.. ?

How can someone like Jungkook, His kookie love him and see him as his husband?

How can someone like Jungkook, His kookie like him ?

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