Chaewon smacked me over the head.

"You don't need to call somebody pretty to love them!" She scolded. "It's just because he's too shy to say anything, especially around somebody like you."

Shy? That doesn't seem like Cheolie at all. What did she mean by somebody like me? Was I really that special to somebody as good and great as Cheolie?

"W-what does that mean?" I asked quietly.

"He talked about you nonstop, you can see his face change when he thinks about you. If that isn't love, I don't know what is." Chaewon said. "Cheolie's love language isn't words. It's physical touch."

"But Haruto's touch is different to Cheolie's." I said.

"How so?" Chaewon asked.

"Well umm.. Haruto's is cool, but warm at the same time, and Cheolie's is much hotter, and makes me feel lightheaded and dazed. Cheolie's touch makes me feel like I lose strength and all shaky. Sort of pressuring and scary." I described.

Chaewon smacked me over the head again.

"Idiot!! That means you like Cheolie!" She said.

"Really?" I said, rubbing my head.

"Yes," She facepalmed. "When you like somebody, you get fluttery and fuzzy around them, right?"

"Why do Haruto's words make me feel weird though?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" She got intrigued.

"When Haruto talks, it's like he's persuading me." I said.

"Hmmm..." Chaewon thought about it. "I may have an idea, but I'll need to ask Y/n. Just think about our conversation."

"Will you stop calling him Cheolie then?" I asked.

"Deal." Chaewon said, shaking my hand.

We returned to the rest of the group. Chaewon went to whisper something to Cheolie.

"Okay, it's pretty obvious we don't get along here." Minji said.

"Yeah, 'cuz Haerin's new boyfriend is a pervert," Cheolie muttered under his breath.

"What's up? What're you tryna do?" Haruto stood up.

"Haven't you learned your lesson yet?" Eunchae shook her head.

"H-Haruto, stop it." I said.

"Hey, we're back at it already!" Minji yelled. "If you can't get along, I'm going to force you all to get along. You're all coming back with us. NO QUESTIONS ASKED!"

We all grunted and groaned, getting up.

We went in separate cars, and fatigue hit me in the car. I started drifting off to sleep.

I woke up in the living room in Haruto's arms. Everybody was awkwardly sitting around, sharing sharp looks and tapping their feet.

"Hey, you're awake," Haruto whispered.

"Hello," I opened my eyes.

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