"Yes sir.."

"What are you doing..?? Let me go...let me aaarg....stop th- aaarg..!!!"

"I will go with you....!! Please.....please let my father go...!!"

"Alex...no son...don'- aarrgg...!!"

"Wise decision boy...(evil chuckle) leave him...let's go...!!"

Just like that....a son was taken away from his father without even even letting him pack his favourite stuff or his stuffy toy or his toy car...if he had them. He wasn't even given a chance to say goodbye to his then kneeling father who was bleeding from the mouth and nose. His face swollen with one eye closed while clutching his stomach with tears coming out of his one eye while the swollen eye bled as he cried out loud...calling out his son's name. The little boy looked back at his father while he was being dragged inside the car, when the cars left...he looked out the window to take one last look at his father before he went to the unknown.

The young man was still hanging from the chains and his face and body was bruises so bad. He didn't let out his tears even after his flashbacks from his painful past. He hung there thinking about his life and what he had archived so far. A sly smile played on his bruised face and he chuckled a little before the pain in his abdomen became worse and he yelped in pain. He was alone at the moment and he knew his so called uncle would come to see what his men had done to him, he knew he had to play his part. His guess was not wrong because in a few minutes...his uncle did come, along with his tree most trusted bodyguards

"If you had not dissapointed me everytime I put my trust on you...none of these would have happened. You are just like you father....a disappointment to the male society. I wanted to make a real man out of you, but I guess I was wrong to believe you could ever amount to anything other than the weakness that runs in your blood. Well...to bad...I wanted you to take over my businesses someday...you know...cause you're family afterall, but I guess it is all up to you now...let's go...!!"

"Uncle wait...!!"

"Didn't I tell you not to calle uncle when we're at work...? I don't want to be pointed fingers at by others for having such a weak nephew like you. Know your place boy...!!!!"

"Yes sir...I'm sorry sir...sir...I'm sorry for what I did, I was thinking here alone...how could I ever survive in this business if I'm this weak. From now on...I will never do anything wrong...(cries) I know I have dissapointed you so much and have made you make a hard decision of punishing me. I'm sorry...it will never happen again."

"Goood...he~he~he...you catch on too quickly my boy, now let him down. Be careful not to break anymore of his bones and make sure you call a doctor to treat him once he's cleaned up..!!"

"Yes sir..."

Alex was let down from the chains and taken to the car and driven back to his home....his uncle's house where a doctor was already waiting for them to arrive outside. His uncle...the man in a black suit...didn't like staying home, he never stayed in one place for more than a week. He was a rich man and with his line of work...not business...he had made so many enemies which were out to get him.but it was impossible since he had so many bodyguards and all his homes were heavily guarded from the gate which made his enemies to think twice before they wanted to get to him. He had a big company which specialised in delivering goods all over the world. That company...was his brother-in-law's company until he realised how much money he couod make if the business was his, but most importantly....what he could deliver and trade through that business.

That's when he decided to steal the company away from his sister and brother-in-law. When his sister found out about it, she spoke to him and she asked him to stop what he was doing. This was the time she found out all his plans from her trusted friend in the in the city and she confronted him about it. He didn't deny it but also offered him a comfortable life if she left him so they could spend his money. Mr Kim was a successful man until he tried to help his soon to be brother-in-law set up his own business that he realised how much money he had. Mr Kim came from a good and respected family background in Korea and he traveled to China to grow the business after their parents got into the accidents and his brother didn't want to take responsibility of the company.

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