Start from the beginning

It was on a weekend again, Xavier was 9 years old and Ava was barely four when their father didn't come to get them back to their home. It was also the day, the children lost their parents to an unexpected fire accident in their small house.

From then onwards, the older couple took care of the siblings and never let them feel unloved but the old parents always regretted never asking Cylov even for a single picture with them or alone.

Because right after the death of their daughter and son-in-law, they lost everything that belonged to them except for their children.

Margaret showed Ava no photo of her mother because she was guilty and felt terrific about what might happen if little Ava suddenly cries out loud and ask for her deceased mother.

Honestly to say, after the young couple's death, it was a horrible period for the Jonathan couple to overcome their loss along with Xavier.

Xavier loved Ava with all of his heart. He, of course, remembered his beautiful mother and handsome father and cherished every memory of them he could. He loved them dearly even when he was so small. He was always responsible and smart whenever it comes to things at a very young age as it didn't seem so hard for him to move out of their grandparent's house when he was barely 22, of course, accompanied by his little sister.

But the Jonathan couple did a whole damn argument about not being willing to let their only grandchildren get away from them like how their daughter did but Xavier gave all their worries a full stop and continued working hard to feed himself and his sister.

Ava was almost 16 at the time and soon after her last academic exams, she dropped out of school and ran for jobs to help her brother and enjoy her life. She learnt tailoring at the time and worked as a part-time tailor in the mid-day.

" It feels like it was just yesterday when we moved to our new house... How fast night can change? " she mumbled, sadly leaning her head on the door frame, her eyes gently twinkling with the coating of tears due to the unreal brightness of the moon.

After a long deep silence, she took a deep breath and stared at the moon, looking down to peak a look at her old mobile. She clicked it on and smiled at the old picture of her grandparents.

" Hey, old man, hi, Margaret, I'm sure you'd have pinched my ear if I was before you right now. But I can't... I miss you guys so much... Like a lot, old man, trust me, like a lot. Why did I end up here? Do you remember— wouldn't. " Ava breathed, choking. " According to you, you only have a grandson... But it's okay, I'm still happy that I can remember you... I'm pretty happy as I can remember almost all of our happy moments. I hope you guys are doing good. I hope you'll do good even if I'm not around... "

She chuckled and wiped the small tear that escaped her eyes when she remembered her best friend.

" Maybe now you don't have a dance partner to dance at late night, Nancy, and it's not a big problem for you... But I miss you, girl... " she tried to laugh it off but eventually as ever, her night ended with tears.


" So, Your Majesty, this is how the demand starts to increase when the price is fixed. "

Ava suddenly snapped her eyes open, directly looking at the male looking back at her, standing before a huge green board with multiple theories and curves drawn here and there.

" Were you sleeping? " asked the male, squinting his hazel eyes like he couldn't see the Queen lazily blinking and trying her best to hide how her mouth was ajar due to the loud yawn she'd been trying to suppress since the male turned around.

" Of course, she's been sleeping from the beginning of the class. " A new male too yawned, leaning on the huge green board with some papers and books about Economics, his blue eyes softly blinking.

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