The Rush (Saejima)

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Description: You and Saejima were going to have a baby together. Majima often visited you so he could make sure his sworn brother could have a child successfully. After your water breaks, Majima and Saejima rush you to the hospital but they don't make it in time. (Female reader.)


Saejima was making breakfast, smiling as you slept in his bed. He often checked up on you, making sure you're sleeping well. After cooking breakfast he brings them to bed, placing his on the side table before gently shaking your shoulder. You hummed slightly, slowly opening your eyes. A smile crept on your face as you saw your amazing and handsome boyfriend beside you with breakfast.

"Breakfast, hun." He smiled.

You sat up and yawned as he placed the place on your lap, "Thanks, bear."

He sat next to you and began eating his, "How'd ya sleep?"

"Alright I suppose."

"Was he active again last night?"

You chuckled, "Always is." You placed your hand on your bump, feeling your son kick.

Saejima put his hand on your bump, giggling as the baby kicked against his hand, "Lil shit he is!"

"Takes after you."

"Hey!" He chuckled.

You kissed him softly, smiling. He kissed back, stroking your hair. After finishing breakfast, Saejima washed the plates and cutlery before returning to bed with you. You loved seeing him in a tank top because you could see his muscles and tattoo on his back. He cuddled with you in bed, wrapping his huge arms around you as you lay your head on his chest.

"Yer so cute."

"So are you, bear." You chuckled.

He kissed your forehead, "Ya look tired, hun. Ya gonna go back to sleep?"

You shook your head, "Nah, I gotta be doing shit today. Unfortunately... Oh, is Majima coming over tonight?"

"Yeah, he's been wantin' to see how ya've been doin'."

You chuckled, "Aww. He'll be such a great uncle."

"Yeah he will be."

Saejima looked down at you, chuckling as he watched you quickly fall asleep again. He knew you were exhausted so he decided to do the chores for you. He gently moved away from you, making his way into the kitchen to mop the floors. He put laundry in the washing machine and turned it on, leaving a little note beside your bed to let you know he did the chores whilst you were asleep. He gently kissed your forehead before getting dressed and leaving the house, locking the door behind him. You had your own key but he always locked the door when you're asleep to make sure nobody could easily break in to harm you.

Saejima met up with Majima later on in the day, having some drinks with him and catching up. They talked about you happily and Majima was excited for you, obviously a little jealous because he wanted his own kid but he couldn't have one. Still, he was happy for you both and supported you as much as he could. Saejima felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He took it out, looking at the message.

Hi bear, we need some shit from the store. I put a shopping lost in your pocket ❤❤

Saejima smiled, digging in his pocket to find the shopping list. He opened it, reading it quickly before shoving it in his pocket.

"Gotta go shoppin' before we get home, bro."

"Sure. Let's go help ya sweetheart out." Majima chuckled.

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