Lost Child Pt 2 (Majima + Kiryu)

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Description: After being saved by Majima, you become a new member of Kiryu's orphanage named Morning Glory. You eventually begin to settle in, becoming increasingly clingy towards Kiryu for  heartbreaking reason. Kiryu surprises you on your birthday too. (Any reader)


You began to slowly settle in over the next few months, still incredibly shy. You became clingy to Kiryu, always needing him close by so you could easily see him or else you would have meltdowns and panic attacks. Occasionally you felt confident enough to play with the other kids but you rarely talked to them. Your birthday was coming up and only Kiryu knew about it since you've opened up to him. At night you barely slept, often being found by Kiryu on the beach, missing Majima.

"Hey, Majima. Y/N's birthday is next Thursday, they'll be 6. Could you please come? They've been missing you so much that they don't sleep at night." Kiryu explained.

"Fuck, really? Well... I kinda miss Y/N..."

"You can come any time. They're incredibly clingy and I'm sure they'll feel better once they see you're safe."

"Oh yeah they said their dad was a superhero who got killed. And they see me as a superhero... Alright, I'll be there!" Majima smiled.

"Thanks, it means a lot."

Night quickly fell and and it was was say before your birthday. Kiryu tucked everyone into their beds before going to sleep himself. His eyes slowly opened in the middle of the night as he began waking up. He looked at his phone at the time. 04:27am. He sighed and lay back down. Suddenly, he felt something beside him. He looked over to see you in the bed with him, fast asleep. He smiled sadly, deciding to leave you be. He felt bad for you but he didn't want this to be a routine. He watched quietly as you slept, looking calm. He's rarely seen you sleep at night since he normally catches you sat on the beach.

Morning soon came and Kiryu was up early to make breakfast. He made sure the other kid's school bags were prepared and ready. Kiryu kept cooking, soon feeling a presence from behind. He looked at the door to see you stood there tiredly watching him, rubbing your eyes. He smiled softly.

"You're up early. Are you OK?"

You silently walked up to him and hugged him. He smiled and put his arm around you, "I'm here, don't worry. Happy birthday."

You whimpered slightly, nuzzling your face into him. He knelt down and hugged you tightly, "Can you sit down in there whilst I cook please?"

You nodded, leaving the room to sit at the table where everyone ate. The door to the kitchen was open so you could still see Kiryu. Soon breakfast was served and the others chomped down, saying happy birthday to you. A small smile crept on your face as you felt loved for the first time in a while. The kids hastily left for school, leaving you and Kiryu in the orphanage. You liked following him around because you felt safe, plus after waking up to see your own father dead a month prior to meeting Majima, you wanted to make sure he wouldn't suffer the same fate.

Majima walked in, smiling, "Happy birthday Y/N!"

You sprinted to him and hugged him tightly, "Superhero!!"

He hugged you tightly, "I told ya I'll be fine! How's things?"

"It's OK..." You mumbled.

"Ya 6 now yeah? Yer gonna be an adult quick!" Majima smiled.

"I wanna be a hero like you and uncle Kaz!"

Majima gave you some toys for your birthday and you played with them nearby, smiling happily.

"Y/N still following ya around?"

"Yeah. They recently told me that they wanted to make sure I was safe. They said that about a month before meeting you, they woke up one morning and saw their dead father." Kiryu sighed.

"Shit, really? No wonder they follow like a stray dog."

Kiryu nodded, "Yeah. They've got a lot of anxiety  so when I'm not nearby they panic and cry until I come over."

"I feel awful for them. I'll definitely visit often. I don't want them to think I'm dead." Majima smiled sadly, watching you play with your toys.

Yakuza OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora