Lost Child Pt 1 (Majima + Kiryu)

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Description: Majima gets followed by a 5 year old kid who's just recently become homeless. That kid is you, and Majima tells you to leave him alone. After worrying about you, he find you again, saving you from a group of thugs. He then takes you to Kiryu's orphanage so he could look after you. (Any reader)


Majima sat on the bench in the park, smoking a cigarette as he relaxed. It was almost midnight so it was dark. He was texting Saejima, chuckling to himself as he sent memes to him. The swings were squeaking as the seats gently swung in the calm wind. Majima looked at the swings, noticing a kid sat swinging slightly as they looked around, presumably waiting for their parents to show up. After a few minutes, Majima decided to leave to go home.

As he walked past Smile Burger, he saw his reflection in the window, noticing something strange. The kid had been following him.

Majima turned to the kid, "Oi, ya followin' me!?"

"Do you fight monsters, sir?" The kid asked.

"Huh? Just go home, yer parents must be lookin' for ya."

Majima kept walking, cutting through an alleyway. He looked back and saw the kid again who followed closely, smiling.

"What's yer problem!?"

"You're a superhero aren't you?"

"Superheroes don't exist kid, sorry to burst ya bubble."

The kid shook their head, "They're real! My daddy was a Superhero!"

"Was?" Majima raised his eyebrow, "He retired?"

"No... bad guys got to him. I've been looking for more superheroes to teach me how to be strong!"

"Yer dad's dead? Sorry to hear that kid. Why don't ya go home?"

"I want to be your sidekick! You're Batman and I'm Robin!" The kid smiled, hugging him.

"Oi, I ain't a damn hero!" Majima yelled.

"You are! Only superheroes can see me! I'm Y/N! I'm 5!"

He sighed, "I'm Majima... please can ya go home, it's late."

"Fine..." You looked sad, walking away from him.

Majima got home and locked his door, flopping on his couch.

Yo bro, a random ass kid started following me.

Really? You a father now? 😂

Piss off! I had no idea why. They were convinced I was some superhero... 😤

Hahaha! You a hero?

I could be a hero! Anyway kid's gone home now.

You do realise the kid could be homeless?

Nah, their dad's dead but they didn't say anything about their mum, I'm assuming she's at home waiting.

She could be dead too. You better find that kid, bro.

Nah I'm sure they're fine! Too tired anyway.

Where did you find the kid? I'll check on them whilst your lazy ass stays home.

The park near Ebisu Pawn.

Majima lay in his bed and sighed, putting his phone on charge before closing his eyes. He tossed and turned trying to fall asleep but he couldn't help but worry about you. After about 30 minutes he got up, getting dressed. He needed to find you again to make sure you're OK. As he was about to leave, Saejima called.

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