End of Humanity Pt 1 (Akiyama)

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Description: It was a zombie apocalypse and only a handful of people survived. Kiryu and Akiyama eventually find another survivor, you, in the Millennium Tower before taking you back to base. They didn't trust you at first since you had bite marks that had began healing. (Any reader)



Kiryu walked carefully through the streets, scanning for enemies. He held a gun in his hand, keeping quiet as he looked through broken windows. Cars were scattered along the streets, some had doors wide open whilst others has crashed or flipped. He was searching for supplies. He had made a safe house in Serena, securing the whole building so it's safe. Akiyama stayed in Sky Finance above the bar, most likely sleeping on the couch. Majima and Saejima were in Serena too.

Kiryu leant against a wall, peaking around the corner to see undead people standing. Some zombies were eating flesh and others wandered aimlessly, sometimes tripping over streetlights and signs. He quietly walked past, avoiding detection. It was dangerous on the main streets especially at Theatre Square and around Millennium Tower as those places had the most zombies lurking. Luckily there weren't any that had mutated into monsters so they were pretty easy to take care of.

Kiryu silently entered a Poppo store, picking up food and drink from the shelves and placing them in his backpack. He warmed up some bentos in the microwave, quickly eliminating any zombie that entered the store. He hastily left, returning to Serena with the others. They had made their own DIY fences with knives on top to stop zombies from climbing over. The ones that got stuck were shot then the bodies burnt in a pit where Stardust used to be. The military had launched bombs as the infection began to spread, unfortunately not being to kill off all the zombies.

"Kiryu-chan has a talent for scavenging!" Majima chuckled, eating his food.

"Thanks Majima. You two are good at DIY. I wouldn't have thought of knives on top of the fence." He smiled.

"I've found some spare scraps from cars and shit. Made a little metal tent thing on the roof so it's easy for snipin' those fuckers." Saejima smiled proudly.

"Great. Akiyama being lazy?"

Majima nodded, "Yeah, such a bum! Why'd we gotta feed him?"

"Because he's our friend and he can help us." Kiryu said.

It was soon Akiyama's turn to go to scavenge for anything useful, taking a backpack with him as he avoided the zombies. He went to as many buildings as possible, taking whatever he could find which was mainly some money. He found some more food and weapons, stashing them quickly before returning back to base. He'd also collected some blankets and pillows in case they find other survivours. Saejima was sat on the roof with his sniper, looking around constantly and making a mental note of places to search and avoid.

Majima stood guard on the ground, looking at the fences. He made sure not to go near them so no zombies would be attracted to him. The days felt like the same, going to scavenge for anything they deemed useful and defending their new home whilst looking for survivors. It didn't matter how many zombies they killed, it seemed as if they didn't truly die or were attracted to Kamurocho as Kiryu kept seeing zombies walking into the city.

Kiryu kept scavenging, soon coming up to Millennium Tower. He went inside, checking each floor thoroughly whilst collecting anything useful and putting it in hid backpack. Akiyama was with him as this was a dangerous job plus it would go quicker if they searched at the same time, Akiyama staying on the first 30 floors whilst Kiryu searching the top 30 floors. Kiryu kicked open a door, holding his machine gun as he scanned the room. It was an office which seemed empty. After looking around, he noticed a sliding door. He quickly opened it and pointed his gun, shining his flashlight inside. He saw someone sat against the wall, blood on their shirt.

"Wait! I'm not infected!" They said, raising their hands.

Kiryu looked at them, "What's your name? Are you hurt?"

"Y/N. No, I'm fine. Just startled. And hungry." You replied, standing up.

"I have somewhere you can go. You have to pull your weight."

"Yes, I'll do whatever I can!"

"Kiryu, first 30 floors empty." Akiyama said though is walkie-talkie.

"I've found a survivor on 57th floor." He replied.

"On my way."

Kiryu noticed some bites on your arm and neck and pointed his gun at you again, "Sorry, but you're infected. You'll turn any moment."

"No, I'm not I swear! I was bit a few days ago! It normally takes up to an hour to turn!" You cowered.

"How can we trust you won't turn as soon as we get you to our base?"

"You can quarantine me if that'll make you feel safe. I'm not infected!"

Akiyama came and pointed his gun at you, "We can't trust you."

"I don't want to die I'm begging you!" You cried.

Kiryu lowered his gun, making Akiyama lower his as well, "Fine. Any signs and we'll have to kill you."

You nodded, "Thank you!"

You all returned to Serena. Majima busted open the door on the third floor of the building, making a little quarantine room for you. He found something to lock the door so you couldn't escape if you turned. You sat by yourself, eating some food that Kiryu kindly gave you.

"How can we trust 'em!?" Majima yelled.

"We need someone to keep watch. Akiyama, you can do it since you hate leaving the base." Kiryu ordered.

"Great, zombie duty." Akiyama sighed.

Kiryu looked at him, "I'll be heading out again with Majima. Let me know immediately if anything happens."

"Yeah, will do." Akiyama replied, walking into the room that you were in.

Saejima had created some walls with metal, welding scrap pieces of metal together to make an area for the others to walk in the room without being at risk of being attacked by you. Akiyama sat on a chair, watching you closely. You were bored, playing with a bouncy ball you had found.

"When we're you bit?"

"About 4 days ago. You can see its starting to heal." You replied, still playing with the ball.

"How come you haven't turned yet?" He asked curiously.

"No idea. Maybe I'm just too good to die. Or I'm immune."

He chuckled, "Yeah you grace us with your presence."

"I'm the president of the moon, didn't you know?" You laughed.

"Holy shit really? I'm a big fan!"

You both chatted and shared jokes before Kiryu interrupted from the walkie-talkie.

"Anything yet?"

"Nah not yet. Y/N's pretty funny though." Akiyama smiled.

"Ya can't go a second without flirtin', can ya?" Majima sighed.

"Not my fault we saved someone so cute and hilarious. Totally my vibe."

"Let us know if they turn." Kiryu said.


A few days passed and you still didn't turn. Your bites were healing nicely and Kiryu had let you out of the quarantine. You decided to make yourself at home in that room since you were out of the way from the others and could sleep peacefully. Akiyama took you out for your first scavenging hunt, giving you a pistol. You both had backpacks on so you could collect what you needed or wanted.

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