Two Angels (Majima)

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Description: Majima was always quite busy, leaving from weeks to months. You always waited patiently for him to come back home. Unfortunately he leaves once again for almost 9 months, eventually coming back home to find out that you both were going to have a baby together. (Female reader)



It had been a few years since you and Majima had started dating. He was glad as you helped him heal from his emotional wounds. You always listened to him and you let him cry on your shoulder if he needed. You both were uncertain about your future together, whether marriage or children will happen but you would be glad to still be with him no matter if you don't have kids or get married. Majima would often get busy which meant not seeing you for a week up to a few months, but you always waited for him.

Majima always gave you a lot of loving when he returned, giving you hugs and kisses and being a bit clingy which you didn't mind.

"When are you going to come back?" You asked, laying your head on his chest.

He stroked your hair, putting the blanket over you both to keep you both warm, "I'm not sure baby. Seems like a big job this time."

You whined, hugging him, "Awww...! But I want you to stay!"

Majima chuckled, "I know baby. Yer beautiful. I hope one day I can stay forever."

"Me too, cutie."

He kept stroking your hair as you yawned, exhausted from the "fun" you and Majima just had. He liked to have sex with you when he knows he's leaving for a while so he could embrace you as a whole before being without you for a while. He did it like it would be the final time so it's always passionate and tries to make it last a while so it's memorable. You closed your eyes, falling asleep in his arms.

Majima left for a while, incredibly busy. You missed him a lot, getting lonely without him. You decide to hang out with your friends often so time can go faster. It was almost 9 months until Majima called you.

"Yo baby, I'm comin' home!" Majima grinned.

"Yay! I missed you so much!! I have a surprise for you babe."

"Really? Aww I can't wait! I missed you so much too baby. I'll be home in about 10 minutes angel."

You smiled, "Great!"

Majima opened the door and stretched, walking in. He looked around, smiling at the familiar decorations. He looked at a picture of you both hung on a wall, remembering that day. It was your one year anniversary together and he took you out on a date. It was wonderful, a part from someone in the kitchen of the restaurant dropping plates which caused you both to laugh after being startled by the sudden crash.

He walked into the living room and saw you sat on the couch, watching TV. He quickly went over and sat next to you. You smiled and hugged him tightly. He hugged back, kissing you deeply. You took his hands and put them on your belly. His eyebrow raised, soon feeling a kick.


"Surprise" You smiled.

"Nah, I don't believe it... Who'd you fuckin' sleep with huh!?" Majima yelled in disbelief.

You held his hands, "You know I wouldn't cheat on you! She's yours I promise! You've been gone for nearly 9 months..."

Majima noticed tears in your eyes. He knew you wouldn't cheat but he couldn't believe he got you pregnant. He sighed, hugging you tightly, "I'm sorry... it's so hard to believe. I never thought-"

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