The Arena Pt 2 (Majima)

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Description: After finding out that you're the champion of the underground arena, Majima decides to test how strong you are against him. He decides to take you out for coffee afterwards, finding out the real reason you fight... (Female Reader.)



Saejima sighed and shook his head, watching Majima go to the reception to fight. There was no stopping him when he gets like this. Soon, Majima walks out in the arena with his knife, giggling as he waved at Saejima. You followed shortly after, standing ready at your corner. Majima walked up to you and chuckled.

"Yer wild, but so am I. Who's crazier? We'll see! Oh, don't you have a weapon?"

"I don't need a fucking weapon." You growled.

"Fiesty. I love it!" He winked before going to his side.

"Huh, you're too much of a pussy not to fight fist to fist? Unlucky for you."

Majima glared at you, throwing his knife to the side, "Oh, I'll beat that fucking smug look off yer face, girl!"

You smirked, "That's more like it."

"Aaaaand fight!" The announcer yelled, the bell going off.

You both silently stalked around the arena, eyes fixed on each other, waiting for the first move to be made. You took this opportunity to throw a faint punch before your left hook hit him in the face. He laughed before swinging at you, clipping your face. You swung your leg, attempting to trip him up, but he jumped and kicked you in the stomach. You knelt on the floor before hastily getting up and in a guarding position. Majima kept coming at you with kicks and punches relentlessly. You tried dodging and blocking, soon being hit repeatedly.

Tasting blood in your mouth, you felt your rage build up, resulting in you swinging and kicking wildly. You managed to land many hits on him, causing his nose to bleed. He quickly tackled you to the ground before punching you repeatedly in the face. You wrapped your legs around him before flipping him to the floor, sitting on top of him as you punched quickly.

"Get up!" Saejima yelled.

Fire lit inside Majima as he rolled you off, picking you up before launching you across the ring into the cage. You yelled in pain, spitting some blood on the floor before rolling to the side to dodge Majima's neck attack. You picked him up and threw him into the cage as well, kicking him in the stomach. The crowd were roaring in cheer as this was entertaining to watch. You grabbed him by his hair before slamming his head down hard, making him yell in pain. He quickly got up and tackled you again before kicking you in the face.

You pushed him away before standing up, blood all over both of your faces. He stood up as well, both of your eyes locked onto each other. Screaming in rage, you both launched a punch, knocking each other to the floor at the same time. You both lay there neck to each other, panting heavily.

"You're not bad." You panted.

"I've never known a woman be so strong." Majima laughed.


"Yeah. Wanna go out afterwards?"

You chuckled, "You're weird. I'd love to. Wanna call this a tie?"

"Yep. I need a nap." Majima smiled.

"Let's get up at the same time and shake on it."

You both slowly got up off the floor, stumbling a bit before shaking hands.

"It's a tie!?" The announcer said in shock.

The crowd erupted in cheer, loving how close Majima got to defeating you. You both put your arm around each other, smiling before you left the ring together.

"Fucking hell, of course he'd ask her out on a date..." Saejima mumbled to himself, shaking his head.

You both went to freshen up, cleaning the blood off of your faces as you chatted with each other.

"So where you taking me?"

"Somewhere chill. I need something sweet to perk me up."

"Perk you up eh?"

Majima laughed, "Not that way! I need my energy."

"Oh yeah yeah! So this a date then?" You smiled.

"Suppose so."

"Hell yeah. Never knew I'd date someone who almost won."

"Next time I'll win." He laughed.

"You two lovebirds done yet?" Saejima said.

You squeaked a little, "Uhhh..."

"Bro don't sneak up on us like that!"

Saejima laughed, "Only you would date someone you fought!"

"Stop bustin' my balls! I just wanna get to know 'er!"

You sat on the bench with your stuff, your stomach growling loudly.

"You hungry huh?" Majima said, sitting neck to you.

You nodded, "Yeah. My father allows me to eat after I've won a few matches."

"Huh? So he starves you unless you win?" Saejima asked.

"Yeah. Since I didn't win the last fight..."

"Nah, fuck 'im! You're eating out with us!" Majima yelled.

"No she's not." An older man said, grabbing your arm, "Come. You got more training to do, loser."

Majima pushed him to the wall, "You don't get to boss yer fucking daughter around like that, let alone insult and abuse her!"

Saejima helped you up, "Come on, let's leave that sack of shit."

You chuckled, "Thank you both."

"Once you come home you're gonna see who's laughing!" The man yelled.

You three left and went to Café Alps to chill. You scoffed down a slice of chocolate cake, your hands shaking slightly from hunger.

"So he abuses you?" Majima asked.

You nodded, "Yeah... He used to be the arena champion years ago until he broke his back, now he forces me to take his place. This became worse when my mother left him... She's nice."

"You ain't going back to him, sorry Y/N. You can stay with us for a bit until you can find yourself a place." Saejima smiled.

"He always finds me..."

"Not anymore." Majima said, holding your hand.

You blushed, smiling at him. Saejima grabbed your heads and smushed them together, making you both kiss unexpectedly. You hid your face in your hands, fully red.

"Oi what you think yer doing!?" Majima blushed.

"You two are definitely lovers so I sped up the process!" Saejima laughed.

"Y-you want to... kiss properly..?" You asked shyly.

Majima chuckled then kissed you deeply. You kissed back before parting slightly, your cheeks red hot. He smiled happily, resting his forehead against yours lovingly. Saejima snapped a few pictures.

"Bro fucking delete those pictures now!"

You all laughed, Majima still holding your hand. You both felt truly happy for the first time in a long time...

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