Orphan (Kiryu)

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Description: After the traumatic murder of your parents at age 10, you try to survive on your own in the streets of Kamurocho. You were occasionally lucky to be given left over food from restaurants if you did some free labor, or if you helped stocking shelves in stores they'd give you food that's close to expiring. You slowly became a master at pickpocketing, often targeting the rich or the Yakuza. One day you get found by someone you stole from...



You rubbed your eyes as the sun was piercing through your tent. You set up on top of a building, where the New Serena bar was. You had to take down the tent during the day though, hiding whatever little belongings you had in the bar with permission of the Mama. She was kind to you but she couldn't help you much, so keeping your things safe was the least she can do. If the weather was freezing or raining she would let you sleep in the back, but often couldn't let you so you made do with a tent on the roof.

You wore a hat to keep your hair out of your way as you made your way to the bar downstairs. Mama smiled and gave you a glass of water.

"Good sleep?" You asked.

"Yeah, my husband and I sorted everything out last night." Mama sighed in relief.

"See? Talking things out is always best."

"You're wise for a kid. You remind me of someone I know. He's quite older than you, but still very wise."

"Hah, I was taught by my parents. Before they..."

Mama patted your head, "I know it's difficult, you're always welcome here."

You nodded and quickly wiped a tear, "Thank you..."

It had been almost 3 years since your parents were brutally murdered in front of you. They had borrowed from loan sharks and couldn't pay, so the yakuza got involved. After months of being unable to pay back unless they wanted to starve to death, the yakuza and loan sharks lost their patience. You hid in the closet so the yakuza couldn't kill you, but you had to watch the horror unfold. You were helpless but you blamed yourself.

"I have to go now, I'll be back later ok?"

"Be safe out there Y/N." Mama said.

You left after finishing a glass of water then you stalked the streets, looking for targets. You were hungry also, but there were many good pockets to pick early in the morning. After gathering some wallets and dumping them around the city once you've taken the money, you went to the store and bought a bento to eat. You found a safe alleyway to eat, relieved that it was heated up before you left. You hadn't had hot food in a few days.

You quickly ate everything before dumping the packaging on the floor and moving on with your day. You needed to keep moving so you couldn't be caught or hurt by anyone. Shadows was the best place to be as you could see people but they couldn't really see you unless they tried. Your pockets started to fill with money and some goodies that you could quickly pawn off.

"How come I always end up back here?" A man mumbled to himself.

You quietly peaked around a corner to see where the voice came from. A tall man in a white suit had just entered the city, looking around like he hadn't been there in years. You noticed a sense of hatred in his eyes, as if this place was a living nightmare for him. You quietly followed him, eyeing up his pockets. There didn't seem to be much, but you noticed a watch under his sleeve. Bingo!

After hatching a plan, you walked out behind him then "accidentally" bumped into him.

"Ah, I'm so sorry!"

"Watch where you're going, kid." The man said coldly.

You grabbed his arm with both of his hands with puppy dog eyes, "I'm really sorry! I beg for your forgiveness!"

The man sighed, "It's fine, just be careful on these streets. Alright?"

You nodded before taking your hands away from him. You turned and walked away, a small smirk on your face. You quickly placed the watch in your pocket and headed back to Serena. Mama didn't agree with you pickpocketing but she didn't blame you for what you did, you had to do whatever it takes to get some money to survive. You walked through the door and sat by the bar again, smiling.

"Find anything?"

"Just this awesome looking watch!" You boasted.

"It looks great."

Suddenly the door opened and the man walked in.

"Hey Kiryu-san!"

"Hey Mama." He turned to you, a stern look frightened you was on his face, "Hey kid who stole my watch."

"Ah, shit!" You quickly got up but Mama grabbed your shoulder.

"Would you give it back to him please?"

"Fine..." You sighed before handing the watch back to this Kiryu guy.

Kiryu sat at the bar and put his watch back on, before turning to you again, "Why are you stealing stuff? Won't your parents be mad?"

"They won't care because they're dead! By someone like you!" You growled.

"I don't know what you think I am, but I'm just a citizen."

"Yakuza looking ass! You lot killed my parents! I'll kill them all!"

Mama put her hand on your shoulder, trying to calm you down, "Y/N, I know what happened was awful but please..."

You stood up before drawing your knife, pointing it at Kiryu. Kiryu rolled his eyes which pissed you off even more. You lunged at him, swiping your knife. He successfully dodged without any effort.


You managed to cut his cheek before trying to stab him in the chest, to which he pinned you down and disarmed you. You squirmed beneath him, shouting curses and slurs at him. Your face became red with anger. He kept hold of you on the floor, waiting for you to calm down. Anger turned to sadness as you began to sob, making him finally get off of you. He knelt beside you and offered you some tissues, but you just lay on the floor in tears.

Mama came and hugged you tightly, comforting you, "I'm sorry Kiryu-san, they've had a hard time."

"I understand. I have a place I can take you. You'll have friends there."

You didn't lift your head from Mama's shoulder, "Why bother with me?"

"I was an orphan too. I know how you feel. To be alone with nothing but bad memories. I have an orphanage with other kids of all ages there. Youd fit right in."

You hesitantly nodded, "OK..."

All the crying took the little energy out of you and your eyes began to close. Kiryu picked you up and held you close, smiling slightly. Another child saved made him extremely happy. He carried you out of Serena and ordered a taxi for you both. You were comforted by him as he held you, your head on his shoulder. Kiryu noticed how tired you were and hummed quietly in your ear, quickly putting you to sleep...

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