The Wolf And The Bat (Saejima)

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This is absolutely weird sorry lmao

Description: After successfully hiding his true identity, Saejima realises that someone's been saying for him for years. They knew everything about him, even his transformations every full moon. This spy wasn't an ordinary human...


"I've seen someone tailing you at night." Majima said.

"Shit. What do they look like?" Saejima sighed.

"No idea, they had a long black cloak on. Kinda looked like a vampire."

"Fuck sake, we need to find out if they work with the Omi Alliance."

"Mhmm. They're full of disgusting vampires."

Saejima drunk his beer, looking around his room. He hastily closed his curtains and locked his door.

"You may be able to smell the spy. Figure out what they're doing and why."

"Yeah, I have a lot of questions." Saejima said, taking a bite out of his meal.

"Remember to use that mind trick to call me if shit gets out of hand."

Saejima chuckled, "Will do. Always a weird feeling using that."

Majima laughed, "Yeah, the first time I almost threw up!"

"Almost on my new shoes as well." He smiled.

"Right, best let you go. Got something I gotta do. Keep safe, bro."

"You too."

Saejima put his phone down and sighed, sitting on his couch. He put his TV on quietly and watched whatever was on, eating whilst listening to the outside world. He heard people chatter and walk by his apartment as he waiting patiently. He couldn't help but feel paranoid, listening intently for any signs of an intruder nearby.

Looking for me Saejima?

He stood up and held up his fists, looking around frantically. He couldn't see anyone. He turned on his lights and looked around, seeing nothing. The unknown voice came from inside his head. Not many werewolves could speak to other this way unless they did a ritual to allow communication between the two or more people. Only Majima could speak to him, and he could speak to Majima.

"Who the fuck are you?!" He growled angrily.

Look up.

He looked up to see a mysterious figure in the corner of the room, hood on. They dropped down and chuckled.

"How did you get in here!?"

"I know you have so many questions, but I've been protecting you." The mysterious figure said.

"The fuck!? What family are you from, huh!?" He yelled.

The figure slowly took down their hood, revealing themselves. It was you. You fixed your hair and smirked at him, your fangs showing slightly. Saejima growled angrily. You simply sat in his couch and made yourself comfortable.

"What you think you're doing!?"

"Calm down Saejima. I'm not from the Omi Alliance. I'm not a yakuza."

"Then how are you a vampire?"

"Those idiots forget that they can easily turn people with a single bite, being so careless. They've turned many of us." You sighed.

"Huh? So... you after them?"

"Nah, they're none of my concern anymore."

Saejima scratched his head, "Why follow me then?"

Yakuza Oneshotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن