Falling For You (Majima)

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Description: You were a part of Majima's family and you had feelings for him. He often had "bond days" with his family, hanging out and often going out to eat with the guys. He treated the family like you were his sons. This was your bonding time with Majima who confesses his feelings for you. (Male Reader.)



Majima was stood in his office, looking out of the window. He was high up so he could easily overlook the city. He had asked you to come as soon as you could. You were a part of the Majima family which you'd been in for a few years. Sometimes he would ask his members to visit him so he could bond with them and today it was your turn. You had developed a crush on him but you believed that he'd never see you the same way, so being his friend was more than you could ask for. You two had been bonding a few times so today was just as special as those times.

You knocked on his office door before opening the door, "You needed me sir?"

He turned and smiled, "Come, sit. Close the door behind ya."

You obeyed, sitting down on the couch in front of his desk. This formal look wasn't his style but he had to have an office. Majima poured some sake, handing you some. You took it, smiling as you took a sip.

"How're ya parents doin'?" He asked.

"They're alright. My mother got a mobility scooter and she likes to zoom around on it!" You chuckled, "My father's still running his restaurant."

"That's good ta hear! Ya still feelin' OK in the family?"

You nodded, "Yeah, my bro looks after me. I still have some way to go..."

"Ah, yer doin' fine! Ya not fucked any shit in almost a year so ya good!"

"Yeah, I don't want to get on your bad side again..."

Majima chuckled, sipping his sake, "Man, that's the stuff."

You looked around awkwardly, your heart beginning to beat faster, "So... is there anything I can do for you, sir?"

"Ah, drop the formalities for a while! We're hangin' out for now. Ya wanna get some food?"

"Yeah, sure. Whatever you want."

"Nah, ya choosin' this time! Tell me what ya want." He chuckled.

"Uhh.. how about Smile Burger today?" You suggested.

"Cool, let's go."

You both arrived and ordered your meals, chatting as you ate together. You kept watching him happily, your feelings for him starting to burn like the sun was in your chest. You both kept chatting for a while, bonding even more. These bonding sessions showed the more sensitive side of Majima as he always had concerns about you and your life. Usually he only focuses on the work you do for him.

"Where'd ya wanna go next?" He asked.

You thought for a moment, "How about the rooftop on Millennium Tower? I know you hate the place but it's somewhat relaxing to watch the city below."

"Yeah it is. I've done that a few times. Let's go!"

You both hastily made your way to the rooftop, still chatting together. You both leant on the railings, the cool breeze brushing past your faces as you watched the people below go about their night which looked like ants scuttling around. The cars below looked like toys as they were so small. Majima smoked, sighing deeply.

"You OK?" You asked.

He nodded, "Yeah. Just reflectin' on my life, ya know?"

"Yeah. Good place for it. Unless it's a horrible and depressing life then I'd suggest taking the elevator down instead of jumping off the roof!"

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