Chapter 19 - Confrontations

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She turned to them with a smile on her face. "Wanna play more games?" She said, giggling a bit. Thunder grew a smirk on her face and looked up. "I would love to...only..." Toy Chica stared at her, shocked for a moment. Thunder tugged on the chains more, as she stared at Bonnie, who was trying to get up. An insane smile grew on Toy Chica's face as Thunder spoke. "It's my turn now."

The next thing that happened was quick. Thunder yanked the chains all the way, and was ripped right out of the wall. She swung the chain that was still attached to her left wrist off, and at Toy Chica's face. Toy Chica screamed in pain as she picked an axe up.

"GO AHEAD!" Thunder said, as Toy Chica growled. She raised the axe, slamming it down, right into the wall. Thunder smiled, seeing she had dodged it the right time. She quickly dashed for the keys and then over to the cage Chica was still inside. Thunder tossed the keys to her, Chica catching them. She unlocked it and the cage door flew open as Toy Chica got the axe out, seeing that both of them were released. She looked at the door, and shouted. "Mangle, don't let them escape!"

"Turn right." Diane said nervously, as Foxy and Goldie stared at her. Freddy on the other hand, didn't care for what she could be planning, but was only concerned with finding and saving Bonnie. "How can we trust you?" Goldie said as he stared at her. She rolled her eyes, speaking. "I just escaped from the warehouse..." Freddy widened his eyes, still paying attention to the road.

He then asked the question. "Did Mangle or TC hurt Thunder, Bonnie, or Chica at all?" Diane grew silent, as tears formed in her eyes. The vision of seeing Bonnie's torn off face came to mind, and Thunder's missing right arm, and Chica's ripped open jaw. "I-It should be straight ahead..." She said, trying to get off the topic.

The others stared at her. "That wasn't the question..." Foxy nervously said, as a warehouse began to show. "That is it..." Diane said.

Few minutes passed and they pulled up. Freddy began climbing out when Diane grabbed Freddy's shoulder. "-Freddy, is it?" He nodded his head as she continued. "B-Be girls s-set traps. Or at least I t-thought they did." Freddy nodded as she pulled her paw off. "Can I trust ye to stay her with Angel?" Foxy asked nicely. Diane smiled, looking at Angel. "Yeah, you can trust me."

Foxy smiled, and patted Diane's back, before rushing to the door where the two bears nervously stood. "Ready to see what were up against?" Goldie asked, a bit nervous about facing them. The other two nodded, as they opened the doors, and alarms sounded.

Mangle was at the doorway when all five of the girls heard the alarms. She growled, turning to Toy Bonnie who was nervously cleaning up. "Go get the guys! It must be them! Mangle hissed as Toy bonnie grew nervous. "Yeah..." She muttered, and dashed to the door. Mangle turned to Chica and the others, rushing in, grabbing Thunder by her shoulders, and slamming her face onto the table.

Thunder moaned in pain as she clawed at Mangle's face with her one paw. Mangle shrieked as she picked up a knife, and tried to stab her. Thunder held The knife away, as Toy Chica growled at Chica. "Never liked you asshole!" Toy Chica said, grasping a dagger from the table. "Didn't l-like you e-either Barbie d-doll." Chica smartly remarked, her voice box malfunctioning again, and picked up the axe.

"BONNIE!" Freddy yelled, racing down the empty warehouse, and saw a few doors. They all heard fighting close by, and came to a halt when they saw Toy Bonnie uncomfortably standing in front of a door. The three bolted towards her as she put her hands out fearfully and spoke. "W-Wait! D-Don't hurt m-me!"

Goldie growled, grabbing her left ear and raising a fist. "Give me a reason not to hurt you right now!" A tear rolled down Toy Bonnie's cheek as Freddy spoke to her. "Where the hell are they!?" Toy Bonnie's paw shaked as she pointed to the door behind her. 

Bonnie began to pass out as she stuttered words out for her friends to hear. "I-If they come...t-tell F-Freddy I...I am s-sorry..." Thunder stared at her as she lost her grip for a moment. The knife got stucked in het shoulder as Mangle turned to the door.

Freddy began to turn the doorknob, but realized it was locked. He turned to Toy Bonnie who nervously gave him  a key. He smiped, knowing he would finally see Bonnie. He thought of how she would react. Running over and showering him with kisses? Sharing a passionate hug? Or would she be calm? Foxy took the key, and put it in.

Soon, the door was unlocked and as the guys opened it, they were shocked to see the grim and bloody scene.


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God dammit Freddy, took you, Foxy, and Goldie forever to get to them! >:L

Also, we have someone joining us! @iiMaylou ! She got second place in my drawing contest and got to be in this story. Also, thank you guys SO much for 2.4K Reads! Never thought I would get that many so thank you for all the support and love! *hugs you*

Sorry I haven't updated sooner. I had finals...*tears* T-T

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